Holiday Work Placement 1600-Lek4PRAK-J
during placements in a surgical ward, the student is familiarised with the organisation of the clinic/surgical ward (reception room, operating theatre, dressing rooms), the principles of admissions, record keeping and patient discharge.
Becomes familiar with the surgical instruments and apparatus used in the clinic/surgical ward. Develops skills in medical examination and diagnostic management, especially in emergency cases. He/she masters principles of wound dressing, suture placement, management of fractures and burns.
Becomes knowledgeable about the principles and methods of local anaesthesia.
Attends medical visits and reports of the doctor on duty.Takes an active part in the work of the clinic/department, performs basic procedures under supervision, such as changing dressings, removing sutures, collecting material for diagnostic tests, connecting drips and operating infusion pumps.Performs per rectum examination independently, Catheterizes the urinary bladder
in men and women. Uses basic surgical instruments.Applies and changes sterile surgical dressings.Assists the doctor during enema, pleural puncture and drainage, regional anaesthesia of the operated area, Incision and drainage of an abscess.Assists the medical practitioner and learns about the care and management of in typical complications of colostomy, urostomy, ileostomy and gastrostomy. Assists the doctor in the process of qualifying the patient for emergency and elective surgery. learns about and assists in the treatment of pressure sores and the management of patient's medical records.
performs an independent medical interview and physical examination of patients, including the elderly.chedules the diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive management of the most common adult diseases.performs examinations of the abdomen in acute surgical conditions
Interprets the results of additional examinations. Assists the doctor during the USG and interpretation of the result.Evaluates traumatic, inflammatory, neoplastic lesions on imaging studies (X-ray, CT MRI).
During placements in a children's ward, gain knowledge of the organisation of the work of the clinic/children's ward and the link to care in open medicine.
student learn about the principles of infant care. Acquaints oneself with the principles of nutrition of healthy and sick infants and children. Improves skills in the diagnosis and differentiation of diseases with particular emphasis on acute cases.Interprets the results of additional examinations (laboratory, imaging and hist.-pat).Participates in medical visits and learns the principles of medical record keeping.Assesses the acid-base balance of the sick child especially the infant.Improves the skills of hydrating the infant, determining the indications for hydration treatment (amount and ingredients of infusion fluid).Performs a full focused physical examination by himself/herself.
Evaluates the patient's general condition, state of consciousness and awareness.
Interprets laboratory results and assesses the risk of pre-laboratory error. Independently performs a medical history of a patient under 18 years of age and their parents. Independently performs a physical examination of a patient under 18 years of age. Learns the principles of care and feeding in infancy. Uses centile grids.
Assesses the progression of puberty. Conducts a balance examination of a patient under 18 years of age . Differentiates the most common diseases under 18 years of age.Plans the diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic management of the most common diseases of patients under 18 years of age .
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Exploratory teaching methods
- experimental
- classic problem-solving
- panel
- practical
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2023/24: | Term 2024/25: |
Assessment criteria
The supervisor of the student placement should be a physician with adequate professional and general training.
A requirement for the completion of the student practical placement after the 4th year of the Uniform Medical Sciences degree programme is for the student to keep a logbook of the practical placement, in which he/she accounts for the individual days and records the activities performed. The completion of the student placement must be confirmed by the signature and name stamp of the placement supervisor, specifying the specialisation, as well as the signature and stamp of the person representing the medical facility in which the student undertakes the placement.
Practical placement
indicated by the medical institution where the placements take place
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: