Holiday Work Placement
The aim of the internship is to familiarize the student with the work of hospital departments, with the full range of nursing activities related to patient service as well as administrative and general office activities.
The doctor / nurse supervises the student in the ward.
During the internship, students should acquire the following skills:
In the field of patient service:
a) the ability to prepare and perform intramuscular injections and subcutaneous injections
b) ability to prepare intravenous drip
c) principles of feeding the sick
d) principles of anti-bedsore prophylaxis and principles of pressure sores treatment
e) help in dispensing medicines and minor procedures (e.g. changing dressings)
f) help in providing sanitary and hygienic services to patients
g) assisting in examining patients
h) a first-year student during the internship has the right to collect venous blood and insert a venflon into a peripheral vein.
In terms of administrative and cleaning activities:
a / learning the organizational structure of the hospital and ward
b / becoming familiar with the scope of duties of nursing staff
b / learning about administrative tasks related to patient service
c / keeping medical records (e.g. departmental register of patients' movement, register of hospital infections, register of invasive procedures, prescriptions).
Term 2022/23L:
The aim of the internship is to familiarize the student with the work of hospital departments, with the full range of nursing activities related to patient service as well as administrative and general office activities. The doctor / nurse supervises the student in the ward. During the internship, students should acquire the following skills: In the field of patient service: a) the ability to prepare and perform intramuscular injections and subcutaneous injections b) ability to prepare intravenous drip c) principles of feeding the sick d) principles of anti-bedsore prophylaxis and principles of pressure sores treatment e) help in dispensing medicines and minor procedures (e.g. changing dressings) f) help in providing sanitary and hygienic services to patients g) assisting in examining patients h) a first-year student during the internship has the right to collect venous blood and insert a venflon into a peripheral vein.
In terms of administrative and cleaning activities: a / learning the organizational structure of the hospital and ward b / becoming familiar with the scope of duties of nursing staff b / learning about administrative tasks related to patient service c / keeping medical records (e.g. departmental register of patients' movement, register of hospital infections, register of invasive procedures, prescriptions).
Total student workload
Professional summer practice of medical students - uniform master's studies - after the first year is carried out in the field of care over the patient.
The internship lasts 4 weeks and includes a 6-hour working day.
The student is required to complete 120 hours.
Learning outcomes - knowledge
W1 - to become familiar with the organizational structure of the hospital and the department.
W2 - to become familiar with the responsibilities of nursing staff.
W3 - know the administrative activities related to the service of patients,
W4 - know the principles of medical record keeping (e.g., ward patient flow book, register of nosocomial infections, registry of invasive procedures, hospital prescriptions
Learning outcomes - skills
U1 – Respects the patient's rights, including: the right to confidentiality, the right to intimacy, the right to dignity, the right to access health care services, and the right to a dignified death D K_U14
U2 - can properly prepare and perform intramuscular and subcutaneous injections.
U3- knows the principles of nutrition of patients.
U4 – can provide prophylaxis against decubitus ulcers and knows general principles of treatment of decubitus ulcers. E K_U35
U5 - assistance in dispensing medications and minor procedures (e.g., changing dressings);
U6- assistance in sanitary and hygienic service of patients.
U7 - Accompanies the medical interview of the adult patient E K_U01
U8 - Accompanies physical examination of an adult patient E K_U03
U9 – can perform basic medical procedures and treatments, E K_U29 including:
a) body temperature measurement, heart rate measurement, non-invasive blood pressure measurement
b) intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, cannulation of peripheral veins, sampling of peripheral venous blood,
c) simple strip tests and blood glucose testing
U10 – complies with the principles of aseptic and antiseptics F K_U03
U11 – Keeps in contact with team members., D K_U11
Teaching methods
Individual work and work under the supervision of the internship supervisor, participation in the work of staff, participation in training related to the specific medical activities of the medical institution
Type of course
compulsory course
internships provided for in the study plan for a given year.
Every participant of the practice is required to have a current health book for sanitary and epidemiological purposes, hepatitis B vaccination and accident insurance.
Each student receives a student internship card containing a placement program; this card, in combination with a valid student card, also fulfills the role of referral.
On the above the card is confirmed to be a trainee.
Student's absence at work can be justified by formal medical release. A disease longer than one week requires the extension of the practice for a suitable period.
Course coordinators
Term 2023/24L: | Term 2024/25L: | Term 2022/23L: |
Assessment criteria
The requirement to pass the summer professional internship after the 1st year of the study of medicine of the uniform master's degree is:
1. confirmation of the achievement of the skills compiled in the detailed practice program (each skill and/or procedure performed)
2. reliability in the performance of tasks and professionalism.
Practical placement
Professional summer practice of medical students - uniform master's studies - after the first year is carried out in the field of care over the patient.
The internship lasts 4 weeks and includes a 6-hour working day.
The student is required to complete 120 hours.
as indicated by supervisor
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: