Conducted in
ISCED code: 0220
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Faculty of Fine Arts
(in Polish) Zajęcia fakultatywne specjalistyczno-kierunkowe(Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), draftsman, painter, sculptor, architect) 1402-HS-ZF-MG-Z-S2
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Total student workload
(in Polish) Godziny realizowane z udziałem nauczycieli ( godz.):
- udział w konwersatorium – 30 h
Czas poświęcony na pracę indywidualną studenta ( godz.):
- przygotowanie do referatu - 30 h
- czytanie literatury - 60 h
- przygotowanie do egzaminu – 30 h
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Student recognizes relations between events and historical-artistic occurrence in different periods of the past and nowadays.
Student has a general knowledge ordered in the field of formation and evolution of artistic doctrines, taste and aesthetic standards in the long term.
Learning outcomes - skills
Student communicates in the language of the modern use of terminology specific to the history of art and related matters.
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Social competencies:
Student recognizes and respects the differences honestly portrayed viewpoints conditioned world of values and attitudes of people in different times and historical and cultural contexts, while demonstrating the independence and autonomy of their own thoughts.
Expository teaching methods
- problem-based lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- presentation of a paper
- seminar
- seminar
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), draftsman, painter, sculptor, architect.
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment method: oral exam that checks the degree of mastery of the material presented during the lecture and concluded in the literature
Assessment criteria:
satisfactory- 40%)
satisfactory plus- 50%;
good - 60%;
good plus- 70%;
very good- 80%
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: