(in Polish) Introduction to The Polish illustration 14-OG-EN-PLI-Z
Introduction to the best Polish contemporary illustration - demonstration exercise.
Realisation of basic exercises related to the types of applications of Polish illustration presented during the demonstrations. Ability to create a design and transfer it into an illustration using the participant's manual and digital skills. Gaining experience in graphic design programs from the Adobe suite, including: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesing.
To be able to make basic use of image generator tools using Artificial Intelligence and skills in graphics programs to create their own design and illustration concepts. Introduction to the subject - Modern Polish illustration and basic preparation of the student for practical applications in design realisations (poster, press drawing, concept art).
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Credit requirements
Credit for the semester is based on the student's completed projects and exercises given by the lecturer/teacher (K_W01), (K_W02), (K_K03).
Credit for the semester is based on a group review of the work, its presentation in front of the group, (K_K08)
Active participation in classes is a basic condition for obtaining a credit (K_K08)
Assessment criterion
High technical and artistic level of project works and illustrations (K_U02), (K_U01)
Use of acquired skills of operating design tools, in the creation of term works, (K_K01), (K_W05)
Completion of all term papers,
with basic design principles and aesthetics of the works, (K_U02), (K_W01),
Adequacy of the means used in relation to the objectives and theme,
(K_W02), (K_W01)
Printing of selected project work (chosen together with the instructor), (K_K01) (K_K08)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: