Conducted in
2023/24L, 2024/25Z, 2024/25L
ISCED code: 0100
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Institute of Archaeology
Faculty of History)
(in Polish) Secular and sacred architecture of medieval Poland - cultural and environmental factors in its development 1201-OG-EN-SAMP
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Total student workload
(in Polish) Contact hours with teacher:
– participation in discussion seminar – 15 hrs.
Self-study hours:
– preparation to presentations for seminar – 25 hrs;
– writing essays – 20 hrs;
– preparation of research trips to selected objects of architecture –25.
Altogether: 85 hrs (3 ECTS)
Learning outcomes - knowledge
(in Polish) Student:
– W1: have basic understanding of the place and importance of medieval architecture in Poland;
– W2: knows the terminology used on the basis of archaeology, especially related sciences in the context of historical research on medieval architecture;
– W3: have basic knowledge of the origins and forms and archaeology of the Middle Ages in Poland;
– W4: understands the historical background and its significance for changes in architecture in Poland;
– W5: have a basic knowledge of Romanesque and Gothic architecture in Poland.
Learning outcomes - skills
(in Polish) Student:
– U1: knows how to independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills by following the instructions tutor;
– U2: characterized the concept of archaeology of architecture in medieval Poland;
– U3: describes basic development of medieval architecture in Poland;
– U4: describes the most interesting archaeological sites related to the topic;
– U5: can independently acquire information and develop a research workshop under the guidance of a tutor;
– U6: know how to use basic information technology, multimedia and Internet resources;
– U7: is able to characterize the architecture of the Middle Ages in Poland;
– U8: can prepare a long speech on issues related to the archaeology of medieval architecture in Poland.
Learning outcomes - social competencies
(in Polish) Student:
– K1: understands the need for lifelong learning;
– K2: knows the level of their knowledge and understands the need to continue to learn and expand their skills in the field of archaeology, architecture in the context of research on the architecture of the Middle Ages;
– K3: can develop their own research ideas;
– K4: is aware of the responsibility for the preservation of cultural heritage.
Teaching methods
(in Polish) Expository teaching methods:
– discussion seminar assisted with multimedia presentations; introduction to each topic by a short lecture.
Expository teaching methods
- participatory lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- seminar
Type of course
elective course
(in Polish) None
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: