Conducted in
2022/23L, 2023/24Z, 2023/24L
ISCED code: 0222
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Institute of Archaeology
Faculty of History)
(in Polish) Classical Greece and the birth of western art 1201-OG-EN-CGBWA
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Total student workload
(in Polish) - Lecture hours – 30 h
- Consultations with the teacher – 5 h
Time devoted to individual student work:
- Independent study (reading the literature, library and on-line sources) – 15 h
- Independent study (preparing the final paper) – 10 h
Total: 60 h (3 points ETCS)
Learning outcomes - knowledge
(in Polish) - one has a basic knowledge about the place and importance of archeology in the system of sciences and has a knowledge about the subject and methodological specificity of ancient archeology (K_W01)
- one knows the basic concepts and terminology used in archeology and other humanities, in particular cultural history and anthropology in the field of ancient culture (K_W02)
- one knows and understands the basic methods of analysis of various cultural products and the interpretation of ancient archaeological finds in the process of study the material and symbolic culture
- has basic knowledge enabling analysis and interpretation of archaeological sources and other products of civilization useful for learning religious customs related to the symbolic sphere (K_W12)
Learning outcomes - skills
(in Polish) - one has basic research skills, including formulation and analysis of research problems, selection of research methods and tools, development and presentation of results, allowing to solve problems in the fields of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for archaeological sources related to the symbolic and everyday life sphere (K_U02)
- one is able to recognize different types of culture products specific to the discipline being studied and perform their critical analysis and interpretation using typical methods to determine their content and meanings, including chronological and cultural belonging, and functions related to the symbolic and religious sphere (K_U05)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
(in Polish) - one is aware of the responsibility for preserving the cultural heritage of the antiquity (K_K03)
understands the role of the humanities, its relations and cooperation skills in shaping social ties at the local and supra-local level (K_K06)
Teaching methods
(in Polish) Teaching method: informative lecture (conventional) with multimedia presentation.
- very good knowledge of ancient history
- basic knowledge of Ancient Greek
Course coordinators
Term 2023/24Z:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: