(in Polish) Psychology in Sport and Tourism Business 1155-GO1-PsSaTB
1. Introduction to psychology: understanding the concept of the psyche and its elements; main goals of psychology – traditional lecture (W1, W2, U1)
1a. Examples of psychological experiments - multimedia show (W1, W2, U1)
2. Basic knowledge about the functioning of the nervous system and achieving goals
3. Learning: What do organisms need to learn? What events are signals? What are the consequences of each action? (W1, W2, U1)
4.. Pavlovian classical conditioning; operant conditioning; active behavior - conversational lecture, multimedia show, Relationships between the type of nervous system and learning
(W1, W2, U1).
3. Memory: memory test; classic research on memory and forgetting; theories of memory and forgetting; how do we remember? – conversational lecture, multimedia show (W1, U1)
3a. Psychology of cognitive processes - administration method (W1, W2, U1)
4. Thinking: J. Piaget; the influence of culture on cognitive development; thought processes; reasoning; problem solving – conversation lecture (W1, W2, U1)
5. Impressions and observations: human senses – or something beyond them? (W1, W2, U1)
6. Motivation: what is it? Human needs and their hierarchies (W1, W2, U1)
7. Main directions in psychology - from Freud to Fromm and from Skinner to Chomsky (W1, W2)
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- participatory lecture
- problem-based lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- experimental
- project work
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Method of verifying knowledge and skills:
Written exam (open questions)
- To pass, at least: 51% answer.
(satisfactory rating - 51%, satisfactory plus rating - 75%, good rating - 80%, good plus rating - 90%, very good rating - 95% and more)
Lit. basic:
1. Zimbardo, Philip G., Gerrig, Richard J. (2012). Psychology and life,
2. Butler Gillian, McManus Freda (2012). Psychology.
3. Ciccarelli White, (2015) Psychology,
4. Sapolsky, R.M. (2012), Why zebras don't have ulcers,
5. Rhonda Cohen, Sport Psychology. the basics
Additional literature;
1. Baumester, R., Tierney J. (2013), Willpower,
2. Duhigg, Ch. (2018), The power of habit,
3. Pervin L. (2002). Personality psychology.
4. Pervin L., Cervone D., (2012). Personality: theory and research.
5. Sternberg R., (2001). Cognitive psychology.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: