Conducted in
ISCED code: 0413
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Department of Business Excellence
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management)
(in Polish) CSR in Tourism and Event Organizations 1155-12-M22-TS-CSR
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Total student workload
(in Polish) Contact hours with teacher:
- participation in lectures and practical classes - 30 hrs
- consultations - 20 hrs
Self-study hours:
- preparation for classes - 15 hrs
- writing projects - 15 hrs
- reading literature - 5 hrs
- preparation for examination - 20 hrs
Learning outcomes - knowledge
(in Polish) Student:
W1: knows the concepts of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how these concepts are applied in the tourism and event industry (K_W07)
W2: knows current practices in the tourism and event industry in regards to corporate social responsibility and sustainable development (K_W08)
W3: knows the role of the tourist and event consumer, which is relevant for CSR policy formulation and management (K_W08)
W4:legal, organisational and ethical standards and rules, their adequacy, sources, changes and ways of operation in the context relevant
to Management Sciences (K_W009)
W5: rules of ethics and social responsibility in business(K_W010)
Learning outcomes - skills
(in Polish) Student:
U1: diagnosing and interpreting economic, social, legal and technical problems
(opportunities and/or threats) that occur in practical functioning of organisations in the event and tourism industry (K_U01)
U2: is able to get data, information and knowledge needed to solve specific problems (K_U03)
U3: participating in collective undertakings and assuming various roles in them (K_U13)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
(in Polish) Student:
K1: can use in the process of problem solving, solutions that exist in economic reality (K_K01)
K2: identify and solve content-related and ethical dilemmas connected with fulfilling professional roles, including observing rules of professional ethics and requiring the same from other persons, taking care of the output and tradition of the profession (K_K02)
K3: creative participation in undertakings (teams) connected with solving social problems in business institutions and fulfilment of social obligations and duties, having sense of social responsibility and co-organising actions for the social environment (K_K03)
Teaching methods
(in Polish) Expository teaching methods:
- informative lecture;
- project;
- case study
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: