(in Polish) Extreme Tourism 1155-12-M21-TS-ExTou
1. Introduction. Definition of extreme tourism, adventure tourism and extreme activities. Types of extreme activities and locations.
2. The extreme tourists. Motivations, expectations, experiences, limitations and risks in extreme tourism
3. The extreme activities and sports. Classifications and examples.
4. The extreme locations 1. Artificial environments. Classifications and examples.
5. Artificial Environments: Extreme destinations
6. Artificial Environments: War and disaster tourism.
7. The extreme locations 2. Natural environments. Classifications and examples.
8. Land-based extreme activities
9. Water-based extreme activities
10. Air-based extreme activities
11. Disability and extreme tourism
12. Ethics and sustainability. Environmental, cultural and economic impacts of extreme tourism.
13. Tourism marketing and the marketing of tourism. The role of market, marketing research, and segmentation in extreme tourism.
14. Extreme Tourism as business. Travel companies, tour operators. Risk management & Insurance
15. Future of extreme tourism & space tourism.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Critically discuss the current issues and trends in the extreme and adventure tourism.
2. Identify and critically evaluate the environmental, social and economic impacts of extreme tourism.
3. Describe the concepts of sustainability in extreme and adventure tourism settings.
4. Identify and learn the basic issues relating to legal liability and risk management in the adventure and extreme tourism industries.
5. Evaluate the need for strategic planning for tourism at local, regional and national scales, and analyse the implementation of tourism strategies in practice.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- problem-based lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- case study
- practical
Online teaching methods
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
The seminars will require students to read specific peer-reviewed journal articles, make presentations on the academic content, engage in discussions and group activities on the subjects with fellow students.
Presentation skills and discussing / debating skills will be assessed and written feedback will be given at the end of the module.
The final examination will require students to create extreme expedition venture. The students will have several weeks to collect relevant information in order to create “extreme experience” package holidays.
Research article discussions – 30%
Group presentations – 30%
Final project – 40%
Fail 0% - 49%
Pass 50% - 74%
Good 75% - 90%
Very good 91% - 100%
Practical placement
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: