(in Polish) Business English 1155-12-M11-BusEng
The course provides:
developing four language skills: speaking, reading, listening and writing;
working with various types of texts enabling acquiring general and Business English vocabulary;
creating and improving communicative skills in everyday life and business situations, which enables expressing ideas on the topics related to them
working with the original recordings, which enables listening to English language in different busiess and everyday life contexts;
using correct grammar structures in various dissertations with the usage of general and business English vocabulary;
acquire the knowledge about the history and the culture of English speaking countries to prepare the student to function in English speaking environments
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
The students are evaluated in accordance with the university regulations: they must attend all course meetings and arrive on time, each class absence has to be excused in the first week after the lesson missed.
Student receives a final grade at the end of each semester must obtain at least 60 % to pass.
The final grade consists of several components:
- continuous assessment (homework, class participation) - W1,W2,W4,U1,
- mid-semester evaluation tests– W1, W2, W4, U3
- quizzes - W2,U3
- dissertations- W3, U1,U3,U4
- oral presentations - W1, W2, W4,U1,U2, U5
The course ends with a final exam which examines student’s knowledge and abilities to understand listening and reading, as well as, collocations and grammar structures.- W1, W2, W4, U3
Assessment criteria:
Practical English course grades will be given in reference to the following criteria:
fail – 0-59%
satisfactory – 60-69%
satisfactory plus – 70-75%
good – 76-85%
good plus – 86-90%
very good – 91-100%
Practical placement
Business Advantage Intermediate, Michael Handford, Martin Lisboa, Almut Koester, Angela Pitt, Cambridge University Press.
Essential Vocabulary Builder, Paul Emmerson, Macmillan.
selected articles concerning business matters
the Internet
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: