(in Polish) International Marketing and Negotiations 1155-12-E22-0-InMaN
1. Internationalization and international context of marketing performance.
2. Marketing strategies on foreign markets.
3. Negotiations as a basis of interpersonal communication.
4. Main cultural dimensions influencing business behaviors.
5. Stages of negotiations.
6. Negotiation styles and techniques.
7. Verbal and non-verbal aspects of negotiations. Cross-cultural differences.
8. Ethics in negotiations.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Observation/demonstration teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- description
- participatory lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- case study
- classic problem-solving
Online teaching methods
- content-presentation-oriented methods
- games and simulations
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
- written test - W1
- case study – U1
- activity – K1
Assessment criteria:
np. lecture:
1. Test (3 theoretical questions and 2 case studies):
5 (bdb) - 91% - 100%
4+ (db+) - 81% - do 90%
4( db) - 71% - 80%,
3+ (dst.+) - 61% - 70%,
3 (dst)- 45% - 60%.
1.Case study – written answers as a result of teamwork:
5 (bdb) - answers include all necessary elements
4 (db) - answers include 80% of necessary content
3 (dst) - answers include 60% of necessary content
2. Activity in the class:
5 (bdb) - a student takes part in all discussions during classes
4 (db) - a student takes part in 50% of discussions during classes
3 (dst) - a student does not take part in discussions during classes
Practical placement
not applicable
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: