Conducted in
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
(in Polish) Algebraic topology 1000-OG-EN-TA
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Total student workload
(in Polish) Lecture : 30 h.
Exercise classes: 30 h.
Self-study: reading reference materials, completion of notes:30 h.
Self-study: solving problems: 45 h.
Preparation to the exam -15 h
Total: 150 h. – 6 ECTS
Learning outcomes - knowledge
(in Polish) W1: Knows the concept of homotopy, fundamental group and higher homotopy groups. (K_W01, K_W03)
W2: Knows the role of covering spaces in determining the fundamental group. . (K_W02, K_W03)
W3: Understands the construction of singular homology groups, their basic properties, in particular exact sequence of homology groups. . (K_W02, K_W03)
W4: Is aware of axiomatic approach to homology theory. (K_W03)
W5: Understands the functorial nature of the constructions of homology (homotopy) groups. (K_W03)
W5: Knows selected applications of methods of algebraic topology.and the functoriality of this construction.(K_W04)
Learning outcomes - skills
(in Polish) U1: Knows how to calculate fundamental groups in selected examples. (K_U01, K_U06, K_U10)
U2: Determines homology groups of selected spaces, in particular using long exact sequence of homologies. .(K_U01, K_U06, K_U10)
U3: Applies algebraic topology concepts to prove selected facts from topology and geometry. .(K_U01, K_U06)
U4: Uses the terminology of algebraic topology and related branches of mathematics.(K_U10)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
(in Polish) K1: Is able to evaluate his/her own knowledge and skills and to develop it independently. (K_K03)
Teaching methods
(in Polish) Lecture accompanied by exercise classes
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- practical
(in Polish) Knowedge of basic concepts of general topology and algebra (groups).
Course coordinators
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: