Ecotechnology 0600-S2-PP/ACh-E
Best available techniques (BAT) in the production of inorganic compounds.
Green chemistry and clean technologies.
Characteristics of industrial and hazardous waste and methods of their disposal. Material and energy recycling.
Water treatment and use for municipal, consumer and industrial purposes. Methods of treating municipal and industrial sewage.
New materials.
Modern energy sources & Alternative fuels.
Ecological packaging in industry.
The impact of environmental pollution on human health.
Production and analysis of biofuels. Degassing and analysis of solid fuels. Cracking of petroleum products. Disposal of liquid waste from the Solvay method. Water technology and treatment. Salt solubility testing in ternary systems. Leaching of solid waste in acidic and alkaline environments. Catalytic processes. Preparation and properties of carbon sorbents from waste products. Electrochemical regeneration of metals.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- participatory lecture
- informative (conventional) lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- experimental
- project work
- presentation of a paper
- observation
- practical
- laboratory
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria:
Lecture: Final work in the form of a report or exam - W1, W2, U1, K3.
Laboratory: continuous assessment (execution and passing reports on performed exercises, current preparation for classes and activity) - W2, W3, U2, U3, U4, K2
The thresholds are assessed in accordance with the regulations of the NCU.
Required thresholds for a satisfactory grade - 50-60%, sufficient plus - 61-65%, good 66-75%, good plus 76-81%, very good - 82-100%
Basic literature:
T. Paryjczak, A. Lewicki, M. Zaborski Zielona chemia, PAN, Łódź, 2005.
J. Dojlido, W. Dożańska, W. Hermanowicz, B. Koziorowski, J. Zerbe Fizykochemiczne badanie wody i ścieków, Arkady, Warszawa, 2010.
B. Bilitewski, G. Hardtle, K. Marek Podręcznik gospodarki odpadami, Seidel &Przywiecki, Warszawa, 2003.
J. Bogdanienko Odnawialne źródła energii, PWN, Warszawa,1989.
W. Ciechanowicz Energia, środowisko i ekonomia, IBS PAN, Warszawa, 1995.
A. Johansson Czysta technologia, WNT, Warszawa, 1997.
W. M. Lewandowski „Proekologiczne źródła energii odnawialnej”, 2002.
J. Michałowska Paliwa, oleje, smary samochodowe, WKŁ, Warszawa, 1997.
E. Klugmann-Radziemska, W. Lewandowski "Proekologiczne odnawialne źródła energii", PWN, Warszawa, 2017.
Supplementary literature:
L. Margel Uzdatnianie wody i oczyszczanie ścieków, Ekonomia i środowisko, Białystok 2000.
P.T. Anastas, Ed., Handbook of Green Chemistry – Green Catalysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
All available academic textbooks on chemical technology, environmental protection and analytical chemistry.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: