Advanced instrumental analysis 0600-S2-O-ZAI
Mass spectroscopy in applications for identification and quantitative analysis of chemical compounds. Techniques combined with mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS). Application of laser ablation in chemical analysis. Atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy (ASA, ICP, AES) and X-ray methods (XRF, XRD) used to determine metals in materials. Electrochemical methods: DC polarography, hanging drop, coulometry, field effect transistor-based sensors in chemical analysis. Electron spectroscopy (XPS, Auger) in material research. Electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, STEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) in materials testing applications. Methods of thermal analysis in the characteristics of materials (TGA, DTA, DSC).
Laboratory exercises:
1. X-ray diffraction (XRD); Identification of chemical compounds by powder method. Theoretical and practical problems are discussed: elements of symmetry of molecules, crystallographic systems, basic types of crystal structure of inorganic compounds, construction and operation of apparatus, research techniques, interpretation of diffraction patterns.
2. Thermal analysis (TG/DTG/DTA, DSC); Analysis of the reaction course of thermal decomposition of substances, on the example of inorganic salts and complex compounds. Theoretical and practical problems are discussed: the division of thermoanalytical methods, thermal and thermogravimetric analysis (definitions, apparatus, principle of measurement), TG, DTA, DTG curves and their interpretation, phase transitions of the first and higher types, energy effects accompanying chemical reactions, differential scanning calorimetry (definitions, apparatus, principle of measurement, factors influencing the course of measurement), applications of differential scanning calorimetry.
4. Spectrofluorimetry; Determination of B vitamins in pharmaceutical preparations. Theoretical and practical problems discussed: types of luminescence, differences between absorption, fluorescence and phosphorescence, transitions between energy levels, molecules characteristic of fluorescence and phosphorescence, physicochemical parameters affecting the value of fluorescence intensity, fluorescence quenching, construction of a spectrofluorimeter, application, advantages and disadvantages of fluorimetric methods .
5. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy (SEM, AFM); Use of electron microscopy and AFM imaging techniques to evaluate various materials. Theoretical and practical problems are discussed: scanning electron microscope - construction and principle of operation, detection methods used in SEM, techniques of work, causes of image distortion, methods of sample preparation; AFM - operating modes, limitations of the method, working environment of the microscope. SEM and AFM methods are compared with each other and with optical microscopy.
6. Polarography, Determination of heavy metals by standard addition method. Theoretical and practical problems discussed: theoretical foundations of AC and DC polarography (formulas, diagrams, graphs), qualitative and quantitative analysis, construction of the measurement system, electrode processes, the role of the basic electrolyte in polarographic analysis, faradaic currents, polarographic maxima.
7. Cyclic, inversion voltammetry; Determination of the concentration of iron in the form [Fe(III)(CN)6]3- by cyclic voltammetry. Determination of heavy metals in water using a hanging drop mercury electrode. Theoretical and practical problems are discussed: Nernst equations, double layer charging phenomenon, Faraday's laws, Faraday and non-Faraday processes, anode and cathode current, electrodes used in voltammetry, parameters of volt amperometric curves, criteria for reversibility of electrode processes, types of volt amperometric methods, hanging droplet mercury electrode, volt-amperometric curves, electrochemical processes, principles of measurement.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
Exploratory teaching methods
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2023/24L: | Term 2024/25L: | Term 2022/23L: |
Assessment criteria
Lecture: 3h written exam, open questions. according to the degree of difficulty specified below, or an oral exam according to the same criteria.
Criteria: For a satisfactory grade: min. 50% of exam points.
The student knows the basic content of the subject presented in the lecture.
For the grade, a sufficient plus of 61-65% points.
The student knows and understands the theoretical basis of the analytical method and the principles of operation of the analytical apparatus.
For a good grade: 66-75%
Knows the content and understands the relationship between the quality of analysis and theoretical principles and is able to solve analytical problems
Good plus 76-80%
He knows the content and understands the relationships between various analytical methods, applies knowledge to solve theoretical and practical problems in chemical analysis.
Very good above 80%
Has knowledge that goes beyond the thematic scope of the lecture, acquired independently while working with the literature of the subject.
Laboratory: passed written tests before starting the laboratory, evaluation of reports from exercises. 50% of the points earned during the semester are required to pass the Laboratory.
For a satisfactory grade: 50% min.
The student knows the theoretical basis of the analytical method and is able to describe the experiments carried out in the laboratory.
For the grade, a sufficient plus of 61-65%
The student knows and understands the theoretical basis of the analytical method and knows the principles of describing the chemical analysis carried out in the laboratory.
For a good grade: 66-75%
He knows the method and understands the theoretical principles and how to perform the analysis. He can plan analytical experiments and independently describe the analysis and draw the right conclusions.
Good plus 75-80%
He has full knowledge of the analytical method, understands the working principle of analytical equipment and is able to apply it to solve new analytical problems.
Very good above 80%
He has knowledge beyond the thematic scope of the lecture, gained independently while working in the library, applies appropriate methods for examining complex analytical matrices and is able to apply them to solve new analytical problems that go beyond the subject of the lecture.
1. Z. Kęcki, Podstawy spektroskopii molekularnej, PWN, W-wa 1992.
2. W. Szczepaniak, Metody instrumentalne w analizie chemicznej, PWN, W-wa 1985.
3. J. Stankowski, W. Hilczer, Wstęp do spektroskopii rezonansów magnetycznych, PWN, W-wa 2005.
4. J. Sadlej, Spektroskopia molekularna, WNT, W-wa 2002.
5. Z. Skrzat, Elementy krystalografii.
6. Z. Trzaska-Durski, Podstawy krystalografii strukturalnej i rentgenowskiej.
7. M. von Meersche, Krystalografia i chemia strukturalna.
8. T. Perkala, Zarys krystalografii.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: