Crystallochemistry 0600-S2-O-K
Crystal lattice. Crystal systems, unit cell parameters. Symmetry elements - operators in matrix representation. Rules of symmetry element combinations. Point groups of symmetry, international and Schoenfils symbols. Molecular symmetry. Recognition of symmetry elements and point groups. Lattice translations - Bravais lattices, screw axes and glide planes of symmetry. Point groups and space groups. Symmetry equivalent positions. X-ray crystallography. Bragg and Laue equations. Powder method of Debye, Scherrer and Hull - identification and reflection indexing, estimation of the unit cell parameters. Structure factors and the electron density function. Friedel law, Laue diffraction groups. Space group and systematic absences (Bravais group, translational symmetry elements). The phase problem. Patterson function, basics of direct methods. Classification of the crystal structures - basic crystallochemistry.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Knowledge on the symmetry of molecules and crystals. Knowledge and ability of using the diffraction data for the substance identification, as well as determination of crystal symmetry and structure.
Assessment criteria
Written exam scored in per cent. Whole block scored according to the formula 85% of the exam score + 20% of the lab score.
Z. Bojarski, M. Gigla, K. Stróż, M. Surowiec, Krystalografia, Podręcznik wspomagany komputerowo. PWN, 1996
Z. Bojarski, M. Gigla, K. Stróż, M. Surowiec, Krystalografia, PWN, 199x
Z. Bojarski, M. Surowiec, H. Habla, Materiały do ćwiczeń z krystalografii, Wyd. U. Śląskiego. 1996
Z. Trzaska-Durski, H. Trzaska-Durska, Podstawy Krystalografii Strukturalnej i Rentgenowskiej, PWN, 1994
M. van Mershe, J. Fenan-Dupont, Krystalografia i Chemia Strukturalna, PWN, 1984
T. Penkala, Zarys Krystalografii, PWN Warszawa, 1977
Z. Skrzat, Elementy krystalografii, skrypt UMK
Z. Kosturkiewicz, Metody krystalografii, Wyd. Naukowe UAM, 2000.
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