The lecture will cover the following topics: 1. Basic concepts of nanochemistry, nanomaterials. 1.1. Basic concepts and historical aspects. 1.2. Introduction to the chemistry of nanomaterials. 1.3. Influence of the system size reduction effects on its structure, morphology and properties. 1.4. Physical and chemical properties of nano-objects. 2. Obtaining inorganic nanomaterials. 2.1. Reactions between components in the solid phase. 2.2. Deposition of nano-layers from the gas phase. 2.3. Obtaining materials from solutions. 2.4. Inorganic polymers. 3. Analysis of thin materials. 3.1. Sample imaging techniques (scanning electron microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy). 3.2. Electron detection (photoelectron spectroscopy, electron spectroscopy Auger, other methods using electron detection). 3.3. Detection of photons (structural studies using X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, techniques of X-ray energy-scattered spectroscopy, emission spectroscopy of fluorescent radiation). 3.4. Vibrational spectroscopy (IR absorption spectroscopy of reflected radiation, infrared ellipsometry, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of scattered radiation). 3.5. Ion detection (secondary ion mass spectrometry). 4. Applications of nanomaterials. 4.1. Applications in electronics, electronics and opto-electronics. 4.2. Applications in medicine. 4.3. Applications in catalysis. 5. Risks related to nanotechnologies. As part of the laboratory classes, it is necessary to perform 6 laboratory exercises, with the estimated time for one laboratory exercise being 5 teaching hours. Laboratory exercises will cover the following topics: 1. Solar cell based on titanium dioxide and raspberry juice. 2. Synthesis and study of silver nanoparticles 3. Photocatalitic properties of titanium dioxide thin films obtained by sol-gel method. 4. Application of X-ray diffraction to studies on nanomaterials. 5. Growth kinetics and determination of diffusion coefficients of ZnO nanoparticles. 6. Synthesis and characterization of layered materials
Total student workload
Activities requiring a direct participation of the teacher - Lecture: 30 1
Own work: Supplementing knowledge on its own, based on literature 25 1
Own work: preparation for the final exam 30 1
Activities requiring a direct participation of the teacher - Laboratory: 30 1
Own work: Supplementing knowledge on its own, based on literature 30 1
Own work: Preparation for passing exercises and laboratory 30 1
Learning outcomes - knowledge
K_W01 - has extended knowledge in the field of basic nanochemistry sections, its development and importance for the progress of strict and natural sciences and knowledge of the world and the development of humanity.
K_W02 - has deep knowledge in the chosen field of chemistry materials.
K_W03 - has basic skills in the field of manufacturing nanomaterials for nanochemistry methods.
K_W05 - knows relationships connecting the chemical compound with the technological process leading to its obtaining, including the quality control of the product and waste management; has knowledge of the creation and development of economic activity related to the production of chemicals and their processing
K_W12 - knows and understands theoretical foundations of various analytical methods and their use in the interpretation of measuring results.
K_W13 - knows advanced techniques used in nanochemical processes.
K_W14 - knows the principles of occupational safety and hygiene in a degree allowing for independent work on a research or measurement position.
Learning outcomes - skills
K_U01 - can use extended knowledge from basic chemistry sections and creatively use it in terms of their specialty.
K_U03 - chemical knowledge in assessing the possibilities of the technological process, including: selection of raw materials, production control, waste management, material balance calculation.
K_U04 - can choose the terms of synthesis and transformation of a natural compound, choose a method of its secretion from a natural source, carry out its analysis and quality assessment.
K_U06 - can prepare a workplace and plan a synthesis process of a specific compound or chemical product.
K_U08 - can find information on the information in scientific and popular scientific journals and chemical databases in Polish, English; It formulates scientific problems in the field of chemistry, looks for their solutions, presents the results of work in the form of written reports in Polish and foreign language and in the form of a self-prepared paper.
K_11 - can design and perform an experiment itself and critically analyze the results; He can apply a sample package of programs for statistical analysis of the experiment.
K-13 - can analyze selected types of spectral methods (eg SEM, TEM, AFM, XRD, NMR, IR, MS) and draw conclusions regarding the structure of compounds; can search and compare with data collected in various databases
K_14 - can use a selected group of analytical methods; It can assess the results of analyzes and discuss measurement errors.
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K_K01 - knows its own knowledge and understands the need to further learn throughout life; He can take action alone to expand and deepen chemical knowledge.
K_K02 - can interact in the team (adopting different roles in it) and creatively solve problems regarding scientific research and chemical synthesis.
K_K03 - has awareness of the possibility of practical use and importance for the economy of chemical compounds and new materials and potential threats associated with their use; He can identify and resolve the dilemmas associated with this.
K_K05 - can properly determine priorities to solve determined by themselves or other chemical problems.
K_k07 - can formulate and present opinions about basic chemical issues and achievements in this discipline
Teaching methods
Lecture - assisted by audiovisual devices.
Laboratory classes - traditional form using laboratory equipment. Shows and exercises will be carried out to collect experimental data that will be used when writing final work.
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- practical
- laboratory
- experimental
Type of course
elective course
Basic knowledge of: Physics, Inorganic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis.
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
The basis for passing the exam will be to write an examination paper on the topic chosen by the student.
The assessment will be: knowledge of the basic sections of nanochemistry, its development and importance for the progress of science, skills in the field of material production, knowledge of the relationship between a chemical compound and the technological process leading to its obtaining, including product quality control and waste management; knowledge in the field enabling the creation and development of economic activities related to the production of chemical substances and their processing; knowledge of the theoretical basis of various analytical methods and their use in the analysis of nanomaterials.
Laboratory classes
Completion of the exercise will be based on a report describing the results obtained during the laboratory classes. The report (in English) will consist of the theoretical part, the descriptive part and the interpretation of the results obtained during the classes.
Reports on the performance of the laboratory task will be assessed on a scale of 0-10 points. The final grade for passing the Laboratory will be issued on the basis of the sum of points collected during the implementation of 6 exercises.
Practical placement
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: