Molecular Spectroscopy
The contents of lecture.
The lecture is a coursus of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR), vibrational spectroscopy (IR) and electron spectroscopy (UV-Vis). It presents theoretical principles of the above methods, as well as their application to analysis of chemical molecules, mainly of organic and coordination compounds. The dependencies between charactersitic features of various type spectra and the respective elements of the structure of molecules are explained, allowing for detemrination of the class of a chemical comppund and/or of its structural formula
The contents of laboratory
Laboratory is focused at analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra (NMR - organic compounds and diamagnetic complexes of transition metals), electron paramagnetic resonance spectra (EPR - free radicals and paramagnetic complexes of transition metals), vibrational spectra (IR - organic compounds and metal complexes), electron spectra (UV-Vis - organic compounds and metal complexes).
Total student workload
1. Hours with teacher participation (contact hours) 60 h
2. Individual student work 45 h.
3. Preparation of the student to exercises and to colloqium and examination 45 h.
Total time of student work 150 h
150 h /(25-30) h/ECTS= 6 ECTS
Learning outcomes - knowledge
- acquires deepened knowledge in a chosen chemistry discipline (KW 02)
- knows and understands theoretical principles of various analytical methods and their usage in interpretation of measurements results (KW 12)
- knows advanced techniques used in chemical processes (KW 13)
Learning outcomes - skills
- can use broadened knowledge from basic disciplines of chemistry and apply it in his/her branch (KU 01)
- can detemine, using theoretical methods, molecular properties, including the spectroscopic ones, and research chemical reactions pathways, can consciously choose an optimal method; can minself/herself make calculations, then use them to analyse experimental data and critically evaluate results
(KU 10)
- can use chosen types of spectra (e.g. NMR, UV-Vis, IR, EPR) and conclude compounds structures; can find and compare them with spectra collected in various data bases (KU 13)
Learning outcomes - social competencies
- knows limitations of his/her knowledge and knows the need of further learning during the whole life; can himself/herself act to broaden and deepen chemical knowledge (KK 01)
- can cooperate in a team (acting in various roles) and creatively solve problems concerning scientific research and chemical synthesis
(KK 02)
- can apparently describe priorities helping to solve a described by himslef/herself or other people chemical problem (KK 05)
Teaching methods
Laboratory - individual work of students - analysing of example spectra and decuding on their basis the class of a chemical compound and/or of the molecular structural formula
Passed examination on Physics, Instrumental Analysis, Organic Chemistry
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Lecture: examination
Laboratory: Colloqium
Spectroscopic Methods of Identification of Organic Compounds,
R.M. Silverstein
Określanie struktury związków organicznych metodami spektroskopowymi, M. Szafran
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: