Current trends in food processing 0600-S2-ChK-SP/W-WTP
The aim is to familiarize students with fundamental issues related to food processing.
Lecture content:
• basic definitions and terminology related to food processing,
• characteristics of raw materials, semi-finished products and food products of the food industry,
• categories of food products,
• technological criteria and principles,
• unit processes,
• operations and technological stages,
• improving and modernizing technological processes,
• methods of storing, fortifying and preserving food.
• the importance of sensory analysis in assessing product quality, in the development of new products and in examining consumer preferences.
Laboratory program content:
• Analysis of plant drinks: preparation of drinks; semi-consumer analysis; determination of the total polyphenol content using the Folin-Ciocoltaeu method.
• Analysis of cold pressed oils: pressing of oils from oilseeds; determination of characteristic numbers proving the quality of the oil in accordance with standard procedures; determination of antioxidant activity and total content of phenolic compounds in oilseeds, pressed oils and by-products (pomace); determination of oil color; organoleptic evaluation of cold-pressed oils – descriptive method
• Analysis of muffins made from different types of flour: baking muffins; determination of gluten mass in wheat flour; determination of gluten elasticity and flowability; flour moisture determination; determination of water content in muffins; calculating the efficiency of dough and bread; study of the antioxidant activity of muffins
• Analysis of fruit teas: determination of total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity; determination of total anthocyanin and flavonoid content; sensory analysis
• Designing a new product.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
Exploratory teaching methods
- laboratory
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Judging criteria:
Lecture: written exam in the form of answers to questions (1 hour)
The required threshold for assessment:
- satisfactory (40-50%):
- sufficient plus (51-60%)
- good (61-70%)
- good plus (71-80%)
- very good (81-100%)
Laboratory: reports from practical work and 1 test;
The required threshold for assessment:
- satisfactory (50-55%):
- sufficient plus (56-65%)
- good (66-75%)
- good plus (76-85%)
- very good (86-100%)
Practical placement
not applicable
Basic literature
1. Z.S. Sikorski, Food chemistry, WNT, Warsaw, 2002
2. E. Pijanowski, M. Dłużewski, A. Dłużewska, A. Jarczyk, General food technology, WNT, Warsaw, 2004
3. M. Boruch, B. Król, Food technology processes, Lodz University of Technology 1993
Additional literature:
1. W. Bednarski, A. Repsa, Food biotechnology, WNT, Warsaw, 2003.
2. H. Niewiadomski, Technology of edible fats, WNT, Warsaw, 1993
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: