Household Chemistry 0600-S2-ChK-SP/W-ChG
During the lecture, the main groups of raw materials included in household chemical preparations will be discussed: surfactants, fillers, acidic and alkaline additives, solvents, bleaches, enzymes, thickeners, agents preventing the redeposition of dirt, etc., and the advisability of their use to obtain a given group of products. Various types of modern household chemicals products will be presented: agents for manual and machine washing dishes, for washing and softening fabrics, disinfecting, cleaning and maintaining various types of surfaces, removing greasy and mineral dirt, cleaning and maintaining floors, for cleaning windows, and car cosmetics. The basic principles of creating recipes for specific types of products will also be discussed. The main directions of development of the household chemicals industry will be presented, with particular emphasis on ecological aspects, both in the production and use of products.
Analysis of groups of household chemicals products available on the market. Familiarization with methods of working on innovative solutions - elements of the Design Thinking and TRIZ methods. Designing a new household chemicals product from "idea to product".
Familiarization with methods of testing and assessing the quality of selected household chemicals products.
1. Determination of the content of anionic surfactants by two-phase titration.
2. Determination of emulsification capacity.
3. Determination of active oxygen content in washing agents.
4. Determination of foaming properties.
5. Assessment of the washing capacity of selected commercial preparations.
6. Assessment of the cleaning properties of hand dishwashing agents.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
Exploratory teaching methods
- brainstorming
- project work
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods
Lecture: pass with grade based on exam - W1-W3, U1, U2, U4
Exercises: assessment of the design of a new household chemicals product - W1, W2, U1, U2, U4, K1-K4
Laboratory: graded credit based on completed experimental exercises and studies - W4, U3, U5, K2-K4
Practical placement
not applicable
J. Przondo, Związki powierzchniowo czynne i ich zastosowanie w produktach chemii gospodarczej, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Radomskiej, Radom, 2010
R. Zieliński, Surfaktanty: towaroznawcze i ekologiczne aspekty ich stosowania, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej, Poznań, 2000
L. Boliński, Wybrane zagadnienia z chemii gospodarczej. Materiały do ćwiczeń. Wydawnictwo SGGW-AR, Warszawa, 1988
Chemia i Biznes, Rynek Kosmetyczny i Chemii Gospodarczej - kwartalnik biznesowo-informacyjny z zakresu przemysłu kosmetycznego i środków czystości
Additional literature:
G. Jakobi, A. Lohr, Detergents and textile washing. Principles and practice, VCH, Dusseldorf, 1987
R.J. Palma, M. Espenscheid, The Complete Guide to Household Chemicals, Prometheus Books, New York, 1995
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: