Basic biotechnology of enzymes and cosmetics 0600-S2-ChK-PBEK
The lectures will address issues related to the development of modern biotechnology, in particular biochemistry and biotechnology of enzymes, the use of enzymes isolated from natural sources as tools for the production of new cosmetic substances and the production of recombinant enzymatic proteins in expression systems.
The lectures will allow to learn about peptides and other biologically active compounds used in cosmetology and systems of transport of active substances in the skin. The topic of the lectures also includes introducing to in vitro cell culture, tissue engineering and use of stem cells in cosmetology.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Graded credit on the basis of a written final test (closed and open questions): W1-W3
Grading criteria: the required threshold for a sufficient grade - 55-60%, 61-70% - sufficient plus, 71-80% - good, 81-90% - good plus, 91-100% - very good
Practical placement
not applicable
There is not a single academic book, which covers the whole subject content. Lectures will be the basis for the preparation to the final tests. Some of the issues can be found in the following books:
1. Ratledge C, Kristiansen B. Podstawy biotechnologii. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2011.
2. Brud W, Glinka R. Technologia kosmetyków. Oficyna Wydawnicza, Łódź, 2001.
3. Kacprzak K, Gawrońska K. Chemia kosmetyczna. Wyd. naukowe UAM, Poznań, 2009.
4. Molski M. Chemia piękna. WSZPZiU, Poznań, 2005.
5. Malinka W. Zarys chemii kosmetycznej. Volumed, Wrocław, 1999.
6. Marzec A. Chemia kosmetyków. Wydawnictwo Dom Organizatora, Toruń, 2005.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: