Elements of crystallochemistry 0600-S2-ChK-EK
Basic terms: crystal lattice, unit cell, symbolism of lattice points, lines and lattice planes, crystallographic systems, basic tetrahedron, zone law. Symmetry elements - matrix operators. Combinations of symmetry operations - rules. Symmetry of molecules. Point groups, international and Schoenflis symbolisms. Recognition of symmetries, point groups and crystallographic system. Translations: Bravais lattices, translational symetries. Space groups and point groups, symmetry equivalent points. X-ray crystallography. Bragg law, Laue law.The Debye-Scherrer-Hull method - identification and indexing, cell parameters. Structure factors and the electron density function. Friedel law, the Laue diffraction groups. The space groups and systematic absences (Bravais lattice, translational symmetries). The phase problem, Patterson function and direct methods. Classification of crystal structures - elements of crystallochemistry.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- problem-based lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assesment methods:
Lecture: written exam scored in %.
Criteria: assesment of W1-W4, U1, U2, K1, K2
1. Crystal lattice, crystallographic systems, symetries and matrix operators, Bravais groups, point and space groups, symmetry equivalent points.
2. Generating of X-rays, they interactions with matter, X-ray diffraction on crystals –Bragg and Laueg laws.
3. Method of Debye- Scherrer- Hull, Laue method , rotating crystal method. Identification of substances, reflection indexing.
4. Atomic scattering factors and dependence on the Bragg angle and thermal parameters. Systematic absences. Friedel law,Laue diffraction groups, determination of the crystal symmetry.
5. Phase problem, phase determination with the Patterson method. Normalization of structure factors, skaling and thermal factor by the Wilson method, phases for noncentro- and centrosymmetric structures, direct metods. Determination of possible molecular symmetry based on systematic absences, unit cell volume and the crystal density. Structure determination based on the special positions.
6. Elements of crystallochemistry. Basic structure types – metals, diament and graphiet, types AB and AB2. Interactions between the lattice components, determination of the bond lenghts and radii of the crystal lattice components based on the positions and cell parameters, coordination number, the component radii ratio for structure types AB i AB2,space filling, relations between crystal structure and selected chemical/physical properties.
Laboratory: assesment with grades
Criteria: evaluation of W1-W4, U1, U2, K1, K2
Requirements for satisfactory grade 51-60%, satisfactory plus 61-65%, good66-75%, good plus 76-80%, very good 81%.
Practical placement
1. T. Penkala, Zarys Krystalografii, PWN Warszawa, 1977,
2. Z. Bojarski, M. Gigla, K. Stróż, M. Surowiec, Krystalografia, PWN, 1996,
3. Z. Bojarski [et al.]. Krystalografia: podręcznik wspomagany komputerowo Wydaw. Naukowe PWN, 2001,
4. Z. Trzaska-Durski, H. Trzaska-Durska, Podstawy Krystalografii Strukturalnej i Rentgenowskiej, PWN, 1994.
5. International Tables for X-ray Crystallography, IUCR (Vols. 1-4 and A-F)
Additional information
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