Bioorganic Chemistry 0600-S2-ChK-ChBO
The lecture covers the following content:
Monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides - structure, properties, reactions, and modifications of starch and cellulose. Lipids - fatty acids, fats, oils and waxes, terpenes, rubber, steroids. Biosynthesis of fatty acids, terpenes, and cholesterol. Alkaloids, major groups, and their properties, selected methods for synthesizing heterocyclic compounds: pyrroles, pyridines, quinolines, isoquinolines, and indoles. Amino acids: structure, properties, peptide bond, methods of amino acid synthesis. Peptide synthesis methods, protecting groups. Oligopeptides and proteins – examples, properties, and structures. Methods of protein structure analysis.
1/2. Wagner-Meerwain rearrangement, ester hydrolysis. Synthesis of isoborneol from camphene.
3. Separation of essential oil components using column chromatography
4. Glucose esterification.
5. Isolation of caffeine from tea.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
Exploratory teaching methods
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Lecture: written exam – W1-W2, U1, U3, U4, K1, K3
Laboratory – W1-W3, U1-U4, K1-K3
The Bioorganic Chemistry block consists of lecture (15 hours) and laboratory (30 hours).
Lecture – the conditions for passing the exam are:
1) passing all components of the block;
2) obtaining at least 50% of points in the written exam.
Lab: The student is obliged to prepare four preparations, and the results obtained must be prepared in the form of written reports in the laboratory journal, passing three tests (10 points each) covering the scope of knowledge contained in the exercises performed.
Reports are assessed on a point scale of 0 – 10 points, with the following division:
0 – 4 points – description in the laboratory journal of the experiment performed, laboratory work technique, knowledge of the instructions for performing the exercise.
0 – 6 points – the quality of the results obtained, calculation of efficiency, measurement of physicochemical constants, description of the recorded IR spectra, conclusions.
The required threshold for a satisfactory grade is 50%, satisfactory plus - 61%, good - 66%, good plus - 76%, very good - 81%.
Practical placement
Not applicable
Literature in polish:
1. A. Kołodziejczyk, Związki naturalne, Wyd. 2, PWN 2004.
2. J. McMurry, Chemia Organiczna T. 4 i 5, Wyd. 3, PWN, Warszawa, 2007/2010.
3. I. Vogel, Preparatyka organiczna, wyd. 3, Warszawa, WNT, 2006.
4. R. Kasprzykowska, A. S. Kołodziejczyk, K. Stachowiak, E. Jankowska, Preparatyka i analiza związków naturalnych, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk, 2009.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: