Nanotechnologies in medicine 0600-S2-CM-NM
Lectures cover general issues related to nanotechnology and its application in medicine.
Information will be presented on:
1. history of nanotechnology development,
2. directions of development of modern nanotechnology, classical and modern nanotechnology,
3. construction, properties, modification possibilities of nanomaterials,
4. wide use in various fields of human activity (nanomedicine, nanotoxicology, nanolithography, cosmetics.
5. advantages and disadvantages of various types of nanoparticles (liposomes, micelles, nanoemulsions, quantum dots, dendrimers, albumin or metallic nanoparticles) in relation to their application and safety.
6. synthesis, doping and modification of nanomaterials,
7. surface characteristics of nanomaterials: structure and properties of the surface layer, surface energy,
characteristics of equilibria and phase transitions in nanomaterials,
8. the use of nanostructures in controlled and targeted transport of drugs, e.g. anti-cancer drugs,
9. in the early diagnosis of cancer or in the production of prostheses and implants.
10. characteristics of chemical reactions in the solid phase: systematics, diffusion processes and their mechanisms, mechanism and kinetics of oxidation reactions,
11. methods of immobilization of nanomaterials.
12. Transport systems of active substances in the skin - liposomes, nanoparticles,
13. Risks related to nanomaterials used in medicine,
1. Synthesis and study of physicochemical properties of metallic nanoparticles
2. Synthesis and study of physicochemical properties of nanoparticles of phosphate compounds
3. Synthesis and study of physicochemical properties of nanocapsules
4. The use of nanomaterials in deodorization processes
5. Studies of the activity of immobilized enzymes
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- participatory lecture
- problem-based lecture
- description
- discussion
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
- written exam - assessing knowledge in the scope of W1-W3
Assessment criteria:
Evaluation based on a written test consisting of single-choice questions out of 4 possibilities. Incorrect indication of the answer is equivalent to 0 points for the question. Correct answer - 1 point. At least 20 questions in the test.
Passing the exam after reaching at least 50% of the possible points. Very good grade after obtaining more than 80% of points. Other grades proportionally in the range of 50-80% of points.
Practical placement
1. Mishra A.K. Nanomedicine, Wiley 0213
2. Tiwari A., Tiwari A., Nanomaterials, Wiley, 2013
3. Szewczyk P., Nanotechnologie. Aspekty techniczne, środowiskowe i społeczne, Wyd. Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2011.
4. Gonsalves K.E., Halberstadt C.R., Laurencin C.T., Nair L.S., Biomedical Nanostructures, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
5. Schroeder G., Nanotechnologia, kosmetyki, chemia supramolekularna, Cursiva 2010.
6. Regis E., Nanotechnologia : narodziny nowej nauki, czyli świat cząsteczka po cząsteczce, Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka,2001.
7. Kelsall R.W., Hamley I.W., Geoghegan M., Nanotechnologie. PWN, 2009.
8. V. P. Torchilin, Progress in Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine “Immobilized Enzymes in Medicine” Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1991
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: