(in Polish) Wybrane elementy bromatologii 0600-S2-CKR-SP/W-WEB
The lecture is to familiarize students with food compounds ant their determination. Moreover, it covers topics related to modern bromatology, including: the fundamentals of bromatology as the science of food, the impact of food on health, diet personalization, foodomics, nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, new types of food, and modern packaging used in the food industry.
The laboratory is devoted to familiarizing the student with the methods of collecting and preparing food samples for analysis and the analytical procedures used in food research.
Laboratory classes include the following exercises:
1. Spectrophotometric determination of phosphate content in processed meat
2. Determination of selected quality parameters in fermented vegetable juices
3. Determination of antioxidant activity of selected food samples using the FRAP method.
4. Determination of citric acid in flavored waters by the capillary isotachophoresis method.
5. Fluorimetric determination of quinine in tonic drinks
6. Chromatographic determination of caffeine in energy drinks and coffee
7. Polarimetric analysis of sugar purity
8. Determination of protein content in beers
9. Determination of catechin content in teas using the vanillin method
Term 2022/23L:
The lecture is to familiarize students with food ingredients that affect human health. Interactions between food ingredients. General characteristics of food groups and their analysis. |
Term 2024/25L:
The lecture is to familiarize students with food compounds and their determination. Moreover, it covers topics related to modern bromatology, including: the fundamentals of bromatology as the science of food, the impact of food on health, diet personalization, foodomics, nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, new types of food, and modern packaging used in the food industry. The laboratory is devoted to familiarizing the student with the methods of collecting and preparing food samples for analysis and the analytical procedures used in food research. |
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Observation/demonstration teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- problem-based lecture
- informative (conventional) lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- practical
- experimental
- brainstorming
- presentation of a paper
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Passing the lecture based on students' presentations
For a passing grade (60–65%)
The student presents an oral presentation on a selected topic related to bromatology. K_W02; K_U01; K_K01
For a satisfactory plus grade (65–70%)
The student presents on oral presentation on a selected topic related to bromatology. They can utilize and connect their knowledge about bromatology and are familiar with appropriate presentation methods. K_W02; K_U01; K_K01, K_U05; K_K06
For a good grade (70–80%)
The student presents their coursework in a more active manner than the standard oral presentation method on a selected topic related to bromatology. They convey knowledge on the chosen topic while engaging other group members actively. K_W02; K_U01; K_K01, K_K02; K_U05; K_K06
For a good plus grade (80–90%)
The student presents their coursework in a more active manner (discussion panel, brainstorming, round table method) than the standard presentation method on a selected topic related to bromatology. They convey knowledge on the chosen topic while engaging the group actively. Additionally, they can plan a panel discussion or another form of active participation for the entire group.
K_W02; K_U01; K_K01, K_K02; K_U05; K_K06
For a very good grade (>90%)
The student possesses knowledge beyond the lecture's scope, gained independently through library research, and presents it innovatively while engaging the entire group in participation.
K_W02; K_U01; K_K01, K_K02; K_U05; K_K06
Laboratory: credit based on the scores obtained from the reports on the exercises performed.
For a satisfactory grade (60-65%) The student knows the theoretical basis of analytical methods and is able to describe the analyzes carried out in the studio. K_W02; K_W09; K_W12,
A sufficient plus for the grade (65-70%) The student knows and understands the theoretical basis of analytical methods and knows the rules of describing the chemical and analysis carried out in the laboratory. Can propose a method for a specific analysis. K_W02; K_W09; K_W12, K_U01: K_U05
Good (70-80%) He knows the method and understands theoretical principles and the way of performing chemical and microbiological analysis. Can plan and describe the analysis independently and draw correct conclusions. K_W02; K_W09; K_W12,; K_U01; K_U05; K_U11
Good plus (80-90%) Has full knowledge of the analytical method, understands the principle of working with the use of appropriate equipment and laboratory glassware. He can apply the acquired knowledge to solve new analytical problems. K_W02; K_W09; K_W12,; K_U01; K_U05; K_U11; K_U14
Very good (> 90%) Has knowledge that goes beyond the scope of the subject of the laboratory, acquired independently while working in the library, applies appropriate methods of testing complex matrices and is able to apply them to solve new analytical problems. K_W02; K_W09; K_W12,; K_U01; K_U05; K_U11; K_U14 K_K01; K_K02; K_K05; K_K06;
Practical placement
Not applicable.
1. Z.S. Sikorski, Chemia żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2002
2. H. Giertig, J. Przysławski, Bromatologia. Zarys nauki o żywności i żywieniu, PZWL, Warszawa
3. E. Kolarzyk, Antyodżywcze i antyzdrowotne aspekty żywienia człowieka, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2016
4. Agata Chmurzyńska, Nutrigenomika, PZWL, Warszawa, 2022
5. Mirosław Jarosz, Barbara Bułhak-Jachymczyk, Normy żywienia człowieka, PZWL, Warszawa, 2011
6. Red. A. Klepacka, Analiza żywności, skrypt SGGW, Warszawa, 2005
7. Red. Z. Żegarska, Ćwiczenia z analizy żywności, Wydawnictwo UWM, Olsztyn 2000
1. W. Bednarski, A. Repsa, Biotechnologia żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2003
2. Jan Gawęcki, Teresa Mossor-Pietraszewska, Kompendium wiedzy o żywności, żywieniu i zdrowiu, PWN, Warszawa, 2008
3. Richard Owusu-Apenten, Introdution to food chemistry, CRC Press, 2005
4. Da-Wen Sun, Modern techniques for food authentication, Elsevier, 2008
Term 2022/23L:
1. Z.S. Sikorski, Chemia żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2002 |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: