(in Polish) Cosmetics chemistry
Lecture content:
The subject aims to introduce students to English terminology related to cosmetic chemistry issues. Basic issues regarding cosmetics will be discussed. There will be deadlines applicable at every stage of receiving cosmetics, related to recipe, production and quality control. In addition, students will be introduced to the terminology related to the distribution and sale of cosmetics.
Total student workload
1. Hours with the participation of the teacher (contact hours): lecture 30 hours
2. Student's individual work:
- preparation for the exam 10 hours;
- own work - 5 h
- consultations and work with an academic teacher 5 hours
A total of 50 hours/25h = 2 ECTS points
Learning outcomes - knowledge
W1: Knows the basic laws and chemical nomenclature used in the field of cosmetic chemistry - K_W01,
W2: Knows the basic aspects of construction and methods of assessing the properties of materials and chemicals. Has knowledge enabling the use of materials for a specific practical purpose - K_W13,
W3: Has knowledge of basic terms, concepts, physicochemical and biological phenomena - K_W09,
W4: Knows the basics of chemistry and cosmetic chemistry - K_W11.
Learning outcomes - skills
U1: Potrafi posługiwać się nazewnictwem chemicznym oraz pojęciami z zakresu chemii ogólnej i chemii kosmetycznej – K_U01,
U2: Potrafi omówić podstawowe zagadnienia związane z kosmetykami, projektowaniem oraz otrzymywaniem preparatów, a także wyjaśnić zachodzące zjawiska – K_U09,
U3: Potrafi określić budowę i funkcje związków chemicznych, wykorzystywanych do otrzymywania kosmetyków – K_U11.
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K1: Works independently and effectively with large amounts of information, notices relationships between the structure of materials and phenomena and correctly draws conclusions using the principles of logic - K_K01,
K2: Is focused on constantly acquiring new knowledge, skills and experiences; sees the need for continuous improvement and improvement of professional competences; knows the limitations of his own knowledge and understands the need for further education - K_K05
Teaching methods
Lecture: lecture with multimedia presentations
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
Online teaching methods
- content-presentation-oriented methods
Basic knowledge of chemistry
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
lecture – K_W01, K_W09, K_W11, K_W13, K_U01, K_U11
laboratory–K_W01, K_W09, K_W11, K_W13,K_U01, K_U05, K_U09, K_K01, K_K02, K_K03, K_K05, K_K06
Lecture: written exam in test-descriptive form
The required threshold for a satisfactory grade - 51%, satisfactory plus - 61%, good - 66%, - good plus - 76%, very good - 81%.
Exam topics:
1. Cosmetics formulations
2. Compounds used in cosmetics chemistry
3. The production process
4. The quality control
5. The cosmetics management
Practical placement
1. T. G. O’Lenick, A. J. O’Lenick, Organic Chemistry for Cosmetic Chemistry, 2008
2. P. Romanowski, R. Schueller, Beginning Cosmetic Chemistry, 2009
3. M. I. Schlossman, The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics, 2009
4. F. Barrett-Hill, R. Hill, Cosmetic Chemistry, 2009
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: