Chemistry and Food Analysis 0600-S1-Spec-CAZL
Chemistry and food analysis
The lecture is intended to familiarize students with basic information on natural food ingredients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water, vitamins) and additional substances, their characteristics and methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Program content of the laboratory:
The laboratory is devoted to familiarizing the student with the methods of collecting and preparing food samples for analysis and analytical procedures used in food research. Laboratory classes will cover the methods of collecting and preparing samples for analysis (extraction, mineralization) and the determination of basic food ingredients, including: proteins, sugars, macroelements, vitamins, anti-nutrients and non-nutrients. and functional add-ons. The analyzes will use titration, electrochemical and spectroscopic methods. Most of the proposed exercises are based on standard methods included in Polish and European Standards.
Selected topics in food microbiology
The lecture allows the student to become familiar with the microbiological hazards of food. It covers the following topics: microbiological degradation of food ingredients and their impact on the sensory quality of food, food poisoning and food infections (characteristics, pathogenic bacteria and toxins produced by them, toxin-causing fungi and mycotoxins, viruses); indicator microbes; microflora of selected raw materials and food preparations. The influence of food preservation agents on the survival of microorganisms is discussed.
The laboratory will familiarize the student with the preparation of culture media and samples of selected raw materials and food products for microbiological analysis, assessment of the microbiological quality of food and its suitability for consumption. The student will learn microbiological tests for assessing the freshness of food preparations and methods for determining the microflora of packaging: the washings method, the direct method (Richter). Will independently determine the content of selected test microorganisms in food materials.
Term 2020/21:
The laboratory of chemistry and food analysis trains students analysis of food and understanding of the functional properties in relation to reactivity of food ingredients. Students will learn sampling and sample preparation (extraction, digestion) procedures, determination of food components (carbohydrate, protein, lipids, water, minerals, vitamins) and food additives by classical and instrumental methods including official procedures (ISO, PN). Different analytical methods: spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques will be applied by students for food analysis. |
Term 2021/22:
Chemistry and food analysis Selected topics in food microbiology |
Term 2022/23:
The laboratory of chemistry and food analysis trains students analysis of food and understanding of the functional properties in relation to reactivity of food ingredients. Students will learn sampling and sample preparation (extraction, digestion) procedures, determination of food components (carbohydrate, protein, lipids, water, minerals, vitamins) and food additives by classical and instrumental methods including official procedures (ISO, PN). Different analytical methods: spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques will be applied by students for food analysis. |
Term 2023/24:
Chemistry and food analysis Selected topics in food microbiology |
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
- problem-based lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- laboratory
- experimental
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
Lecture:- written exam-
Laboratory: pass with a grade on the basis of reports on performed analyses
Scoring criteria
Lecture: pass with a grade on the basis of a written exam
n/a - 0-49% pts.
dst - 50-60% pts
dst plus - 61-65% pts.
db- 66-75%) pt
db plus - 76-80% pts
bdb - pow. 80% points
Assessment criteria
Chemistry and food analysis - lecture
For a satisfactory rating:
The student defines: basic food ingredients, functional food additives, contaminants and toxic substances present in food. W1
A plus for the rating
The student is able to classify food ingredients, functional food additives,
- list the sources of individual nutrients and anti-nutrients, W1; U1
For a good rating:
The student is able to recognize and qualify the hazards associated with additives and food contamination W1; W2; U1;
A good plus for the rating
Can apply the acquired knowledge to assess the quality of food in terms of the content of nutrients and non-nutritive and anti-nutritional ingredients. W1; W2; W3; U1
Rated very good
Has knowledge that goes beyond the thematic scope of the lecture acquired independently while working in the library. W1-W3; U1
Selected topics in food microbiology
Assessment criteria.
For a satisfactory rating:
The student knows the basics of food microbiology and is able to describe the analyzes carried out in the laboratory. W1
A plus for the rating
The student knows and understands the theoretical basis of the methods of analysis and knows the principles of describing the microbiological analysis carried out in the laboratory. W1, U1
For a good rating:
He knows the method and understands the theoretical principles and how to perform the analysis. He can plan and independently describe the analysis and draw the right conclusions. W1, W2, U1
A good plus for the rating
Has full knowledge of the method, understands the principle of work with the use of appropriate equipment and laboratory glassware. He can apply the acquired knowledge to solve new analytical problems. W1-W3, U1
Rated very good
Has knowledge going beyond the thematic scope of the lecture, gained independently while working in the library, applies the appropriate methods of examining complex matrices and is able to apply them to solve new ones going beyond the subject of the lecture. W1-W3, U1
Practical placement
Chemistry and food analysis
Literatura podstawowa
1. E. Szłyk, M. Cichosz, A. Filipiak-Szok, A. Jastrzębska, M. Kurzawa, Ćwiczenia laboratoryjne z analizy żywności, UMK, Toruń, 2013
2. Z.S. Sikorski, Chemia żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2002
3. E. Pijanowski, M. Dłużewski, A. Dłużewska, A. Jarczyk, Ogólna technologia żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2004
4. Red. A. Klepacka, Analiza żywności, skrypt SGGW, Warszawa, 2005
5. Red. Z. Żegarska, Ćwiczenia z analizy żywności, Wydawnictwo UWM, Olsztyn 2000
Supplementary literature
1. W. Bednarski, A. Repsa, Biotechnologia żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2003
2.Z. Marzenko, M. Balcerzak, Spektrofotometryczne metody w analizie nieorganicznej, PWN, Warszawa, 1998
Selected topics in food microbiology
1. L. Kosewska,Analiza mikrobiologiczna w przemyśle spożywczym, WSiP, Warszawa, 1986
2. Dokumentacja techniczno-ruchowa. Spółdzielnia Pracy Mechaników „SMS”, Warszawa, ul. Konstruktorska 8. Autoklaw poziomy typ AS25
3. Z. Libudzisz, K. Kowal (red.). Mikrobiologia techniczna, Tom I,II, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź, 2000
4. H. G. Schlegel, Mikrobiologia ogólna, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2000
5. A. Różalski, Ćwiczenia z mikrobiologii ogólnej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź, 1998
Term 2020/21:
Chemistry and food analysis |
Term 2021/22:
Chemistry and food analysis Supplementary literature 1. W. Bednarski, A. Repsa, Biotechnologia żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2003 Selected topics in food microbiology 1. L. Kosewska,Analiza mikrobiologiczna w przemyśle spożywczym, WSiP, Warszawa, 1986 |
Term 2022/23:
Chemistry and food analysis |
Term 2023/24:
Chemistry and food analysis Supplementary literature 1. W. Bednarski, A. Repsa, Biotechnologia żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2003 Selected topics in food microbiology 1. L. Kosewska,Analiza mikrobiologiczna w przemyśle spożywczym, WSiP, Warszawa, 1986 |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: