Fundamentals of the photochemistry 0600-S1-SP/W-PF
Introduction to photochemistry
Natura and properties of light, dozymetry of electromagnetic radiation, absorption odf light and excited states of molecules, excimers and exciplexes, Jablonski diagram, fundamental photochemical laws, selected photochemical reactions, energy transfer, quantum yield, photochemical processes applied in industry, photolitography, photochromic compounds, photochemical processes occurring in nature, light perception.
Polymer photochemistry.
Dependence of structure of synthetic polymers on theirs photoresistance, mechanisms of photochemical reactions in polymers
(photoinduced chain scission, depolymerization, crosslinking, isomerization, Norrish type I and II reactions), the effect of photochemical reactions on physico-chemical properties of polymers, photomodification, photoaging and photostabilization of polymers and plastics, photodegradble polymers, photopolymerization, photoresists.
General aspects of photochemistry of natural polymers, photoaging of living organisms.
Term 2024/25L:
None |
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
Exploratory teaching methods
- observation
- experimental
- laboratory
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students learn the photochemistry backgrounds, know the possibility of application of electromagnetic radiation in practise (in science, industry, medicine, cosmetics and pharmacy), recognise the positive and negative aspects of ligh action on living organisms. He is able to do the selected photochemical experiments and to make theroretical calculations (determination of molecules geometry and calculation of energy changes resulting of excitation).
Assessment criteria
lecture - written exam
1. S. Paszyc, Podstawy fotochemii, PWN, W-wa 1992.
2. J.A. Baltrop, J.D. Coyle, Fotochemia-podstawy, PWN, W-wa 1987.
P. Suppan, Chemia i światło, PWN, W-wa 1997.
3. Pr. zbior. (red. J. Pączkowski), Fotochemia polimerów, Wyd. UMK, Toruń 2003.
4. Fotochemia i spektroskopia optyczna. Cwiczenia laboratoryjne. Praca zbiorowa, red. J. Najbar, A. Turek, PWN, W-wa 2009.
5. Pr. zbior. (red. B. Marciniak), Metody badania mechanizmów reakcji fotochemicznych, Wyd. UAM, Poznań 1999.
6. G. Wenska, Fotochemia środowiska, Wyd. UAM, Poznań 1997.
7. Z. Stasicka, Procesy fotochemiczne w środowisku, Wyd. UJ, Kraków 2001.
8. J. Guillet, Polymer Photophysics and Photochemistry, Cambridge University Press, 1987.
9. J. F. Rabek, Polymer Photodegradation. Mechanisms and Experimental Methods, Chapman and Hall, London 1995.
10. N.J.Turro, V. Ramamurthy, J. C. Scaiano, Modern molecular photochemistry of organic molecules, University Science Books, Sausalito, 2010.
Term 2024/25L:
None |
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