(in Polish) Technologia informacyjna 0600-S1-O-TIb
Lecture topics:
1. Introductory lecture.
2. Introduction to statistical analysis of experimental data, significant digits (figures), statistical analysis of random error, the uncertainty of measurement, type B evaluation of uncertainty.
3. Propagation of uncertainty, type A evaluation of uncertainty, combined standard uncertainty.
4. Linear regression – least square method, weighted linear regression, analysis of residuals, linearizing transformations.
5. Nonlinear regression – polynomial equation fitting, multiple linear regression analysis, regression coefficients, selecting variables – stepwise procedures.
6. Numerical integration, integral and geometric interpretation, rectangle method, trapezoidal method, Simpson’s rule method, Gauss–Legendre method.
7. Fundamentals of numerical solving of differential equations, Euler method, Runge–Kutta method, Milne method (predictor-corrector)
8. Methods for solving algebraic equations, bisection method, secant method (regula falsi), tangent method (Newton-Raphson).
9. Optimization methods, method of changing a single parameter, random walk method, grid search method (factorial design), rules for creating a regression model, experimental design.
10. Monte Carlo methods - integration and simulation, pseudorandom number generators, Monte Carlo integration, Monte Carlo simulation.
Exercises with the use of appropriate computer programs (MS Excel, IBM SPSS) are concerned with the following issues:
Exercise no. 1. Statistical analysis of experimental data, the mean, standard deviation, dispersion measures - practical, classic problem-solving.
Exercise no. 2. Regression analysis, application of the linear regression to calculate the calibration curve - practical, classic problem-solving.
Exercise no. 3. Calculation of the pH of the two acids mixture - practical, classic problem-solving.
Exercise no. 4. Multiple linear regression - practical, classic problem-solving.
Exercise no. 5. Linear regression –linearizing transformation - practical, classic problem-solving.
Exercise no. 6. Numerical integration using the rectangular, trapezoidal, and Simpson’s rule methods - practical, classic problem-solving.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Observation/demonstration teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
- discussion
Exploratory teaching methods
- laboratory
- classic problem-solving
Online teaching methods
- content-presentation-oriented methods
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
lecture - K_W04, K_W05, K_U04, K_U05
exercises - K_W04, K_W05, K_U04, K_U05
Assessment criteria:
Lecture: written exam in the form of a test; required threshold for a satisfactory grade - 50%, 61% - sufficient plus, 66% - good, 76% - good plus, 81% - very good.
Classes: graded credit on the basis of laboratory exercises and one test; required threshold for a satisfactory grade - 50%, 61% - sufficient plus, 66% - good, 76% - good plus, 81% - very good.
Exam problems:
1. Introduction to statistical analysis of experimental data, significant digits (figures), statistical analysis of random error, the uncertainty of measurement, type B evaluation of uncertainty, propagation of uncertainty, type A evaluation of uncertainty, combined standard uncertainty
2. Linear regression – least square method, weighted linear regression, analysis of residuals, linearizing transformations
3. Nonlinear regression – polynomial equation fitting, multiple linear regression analysis, regression coefficients, selecting variables – stepwise procedures
4. Numerical integration, integral and geometric interpretation, rectangle method, trapezoidal method, Simpson’s rule method, Gauss–Legendre method.
5. Fundamentals of numerical solving of differential equations, Euler method, Runge–Kutta method.
6. Methods for solving algebraic equations, bisection method, secant method (regula falsi), tangent method (Newton-Raphson)
7. Optimization methods, method of changing a single parameter, random walk method, grid search method (factorial design), rules for creating a regression model, experimental design, the simplex method, variable-size simplex, expansion, contraction, optimization criteria
8. Monte Carlo methods - integration and simulation, pseudorandom number generators, Monte Carlo integration, Monte Carlo simulation.
1. P. Szczepański, Chemistry IT, Toruń 2012.
2. M. Otto, Chemometrics. Statistics and computer application In analytical chemistry, WILEY-VCH, 2016.
3. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, ISO, Switzerland 1995.
4. D.W. Rogers, Computational chemistry using the PC, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 2003.
5. P. Gemperline, Practical guide to chemometrics, CRC Press, 2006
6. J. N. Miller, J. C. Miller, Statistics and chemometrics for analytical chemistry, Pearson Education Limited, 2018.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: