Bases of the chemistry of biological processes and bioanalytics 0600-S1-O-PChPBB
The subject of the lecture concerns the basic issues related to the knowledge of biological processes and the factors influencing their course. The content will be discussed, i.e.: pro and eukaryotic cells, viruses, structure and functions of the cell membrane, structure of the cell nucleus, processes taking place in the cell nucleus; cell structure; cell cycle; basic biochemical and metabolic concepts; biogenic elements in the structure and metabolism of organisms; amino acids, peptides, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids - their structure, types, functions, properties; replication, transcription, translation; sugars and fats - structure, types and functions; vitamins, enzymes, coenzymes, their structure, types, biological and metabolic functions; metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids; ATP biosynthesis; processes of DNA synthesis (replication), RNA (transcription) and proteins (translation). Students will also be introduced to instrumental methods used in the analysis of, inter alia, proteins and nucleic acids (from cell lysis methods, through purification, separation, qualitative and quantitative analysis).
Laboratory exercises are designed to prepare for work in research, control and diagnostic laboratories in terms of interpreting results in comparison with standards, identifying biologically active compounds and determining their content. The aim of the laboratory exercises is also to acquire by the student the ability to analyze e.g. sugars, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, macronutrients in biological matrices.
Term 2021/22Z:
The subject of the lecture concerns the basic issues related to the knowledge of biological processes and the factors influencing their course. The content will be discussed, i.e.: pro and eukaryotic cells, viruses, structure and functions of the cell membrane, structure of the cell nucleus, processes taking place in the cell nucleus; cell structure; cell cycle; basic biochemical and metabolic concepts; biogenic elements in the structure and metabolism of organisms; amino acids, peptides, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids - their structure, types, functions, properties; replication, transcription, translation; sugars and fats - structure, types and functions; vitamins, enzymes, coenzymes, their structure, types, biological and metabolic functions; metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids; ATP biosynthesis; processes of DNA synthesis (replication), RNA (transcription) and proteins (translation). Students will also be introduced to instrumental methods used in the analysis of, inter alia, proteins and nucleic acids (from cell lysis methods, through purification, separation, qualitative and quantitative analysis). |
Term 2022/23Z:
None |
Term 2023/24Z:
The subject of the lecture concerns the basic issues related to the knowledge of biological processes and the factors influencing their course. The content will be discussed, i.e.: pro and eukaryotic cells, viruses, structure and functions of the cell membrane, structure of the cell nucleus, processes taking place in the cell nucleus; cell structure; cell cycle; basic biochemical and metabolic concepts; biogenic elements in the structure and metabolism of organisms; amino acids, peptides, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids - their structure, types, functions, properties; replication, transcription, translation; sugars and fats - structure, types and functions; vitamins, enzymes, coenzymes, their structure, types, biological and metabolic functions; metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids; ATP biosynthesis; processes of DNA synthesis (replication), RNA (transcription) and proteins (translation). Students will also be introduced to instrumental methods used in the analysis of, inter alia, proteins and nucleic acids (from cell lysis methods, through purification, separation, qualitative and quantitative analysis). |
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Course coordinators
Term 2021/22Z: | Term 2022/23Z: | Term 2023/24Z: |
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
Written exam with open and closed questions
Continuous assessment including activity in the classroom, quality of laboratory work and a written presentation of the obtained results (reports), control written tests - determining the final grade as the average of the partial grades obtained during the semester
Assessment criteria:
Lecture: graded exam on the basis of the issues listed in the program content of the subject; answers to the questions will require solving tasks related to the assumed learning outcomes;
The required threshold for the grade:
• for a satisfactory grade: obtaining more than 50% of the points by the student
• with a good mark: obtaining more than 70% of points by the student
• with a very good mark: obtaining more than 81% of points by the student.
Laboratory: credit with a grade on the basis of the number of points from the control tests covering the subject of experiments performed as part of laboratory exercises, performance of all experiments provided for in the program of activities (the quality of laboratory work, the way of conducting experiments, and the ability to cooperate in a group will be assessed) and the analysis of the obtained results in the form of reports.
The required threshold for a satisfactory grade - 50-60%, satisfactory plus - 61-65%, good - 66-75%, good plus - 76-80%, very good - 81-100%.
Practical placement
Basic literature:
• Berg J.M., Stryer L., Tymoczko J. Biochemistry. WH Freeman 2019
• Hames D.B., Hooper N.M. Bicohemistry. Instant notes. Taylor and Francis Group, New York 2011
• Lundblad R.L., Macdonald F. Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton
Supplementary literature:
Recommended review articles from Journal citation Report
Term 2021/22Z:
Basic literature: |
Term 2022/23Z:
None |
Term 2023/24Z:
Basic literature: |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: