Introduction to cosmetics 0600-S1-ChK-PWoK
Contents of the course
- characterization of personal care and decorative cosmetics, introduction to cosmetic formulations,
- raw materials for cosmetic preparatoions,
- skin care and hair care products, conditionning of skin and hair,
- regulation about cosmetic products,
- INCI name for cosmetic ingredients,
- history of personal care products and decorative cosmetics,
- national and EU reguilation about cosmetic products.
- introduction to color cosmetics and fragrances.
Term 2021/22Z:
None |
Term 2022/23Z:
Lecture: |
Term 2023/24Z:
Lecture: |
Term 2024/25Z:
Lecture: |
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students know:
- the groups of cosmetics on the market,
- the groups of raw cosmetic materials and formulations,
- how cosmetic acts after topical application on the skin,
- how to use other sources to get more information about cosmetic products,
Assessment criteria
K_W05.– K_W13.– K_W14.
Requirements for mark: (3)- 50-60%, (3+) – 61-65%, (4) -66-75%, (4+)- 76-81%, (5) – 82-100%.
Practical placement
not aplicable
1. W. Malinka, Zarys chemii kosmetycznej, Wolumed, Wrocław 1999.
2. M. Molski, Chemia piękna, PWN, Warszawa 2009.
3. E. Fink, Kosmetyka. Przewodnik po substancjach czynnych i pomocniczych. Wydanie polskie pod redakcją W. Malinki, MadPharm Polska 2007.
4. J. Arct, K. Pytkowska, Leksykon surowców kosmetycznych, Wydawnictwa Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej Kosmetyki i Pielęgnacji Zdrowia, Warszawa 2010.
5. Chemia kosmetyczna wybrane zagadnienia, pod red. A. Sionkowskiej, Wyd. UMK, Toruń 2019
Term 2022/23Z:
1. W. Malinka, Zarys chemii kosmetycznej, Wolumed, Wrocław 1999. |
Term 2023/24Z:
1. W. Malinka, Zarys chemii kosmetycznej, Wolumed, Wrocław 1999. |
Term 2024/25Z:
1. W. Malinka, Zarys chemii kosmetycznej, Wolumed, Wrocław 1999. |
Term 2022/23Z:
- |
Term 2023/24Z:
- |
Term 2024/25Z:
- |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: