General microbiology 0600-S1-ChK-MO
The subject of the lecture concerns the basic issues of microbiology, e.g. structure and functioning of prokaryotic cells, their genetic variability, metabolic strategies of microorganisms and the related ability to live in different environments. The content discussed will concern the definition of microorganisms and their classification, the definition of genus and species, the principles of molecular taxonomy, methods of identifying microorganisms (16S rDNA sequencing and MALDI-TOF-MS). Students will also be familiarized with the taxonomy and structure of eukaryotic microorganisms and viruses, methods of bacterial strain isolation, their cultivation in laboratory conditions, the influence of physical and chemical factors on the growth of microorganisms, mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics. Possibilities of biotechnological application of microorganisms as a source of raw materials for the cosmetics industry will be presented. The content of the course will also concern the physiological microflora and pathogenic skin, ingredients of cosmetics that inhibit the growth of microorganisms and testing the microbiological purity of raw materials and cosmetic products in accordance with applicable standards.
The aim of laboratory exercises is to familiarize the student with health and safety regulations in force in the microbiological laboratory, methods of sterilization and disinfection, definition and types of microbiological media. The aim of laboratory exercises is also to acquire by the student the skills of performing microbiological inoculations, obtaining pure cultures and cultivating them. Students will be familiarized with the principles of macroscopic evaluation of bacterial colonies, staining methods and microscopic evaluation of preparations. They will perform microbiological analysis of cosmetics by determining the total number of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms using the plate method, analyze bacterial survival in selected cosmetic products, detect Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
- discussion
Exploratory teaching methods
- laboratory
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2024/25L: | Term 2023/24L: | Term 2022/23L: | Term 2021/22L: |
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
Written exam with open and closed questions
Continuous assessment covering activity in classes, quality of work
laboratory test and written presentation of the obtained results (reports), control written tests - determination of the final grade as the average of the partial grades received during the semester
Assessment criteria:
Lecture: pass with a grade on the basis of the issues listed in the course content; answering the questions will require solving tasks related to the assumed learning outcomes; K_W07, K_W14, K_W18, K_W19, K_U11, K_U12
Laboratory: credit with a grade based on the number of points from entrance tests covering the subject
experiments performed as part of laboratory exercises (K_W07, K_W14, K_W18, K_W19, K_K01, K_K03, k_K06, K_K09), performing all experiments provided for in the curriculum (the quality of laboratory work, the way of conducting experiments, as well as the ability to cooperate in a group will be assessed) and analysis of the results obtained in the form of reports. The required threshold for individual classes is: for a satisfactory grade - 50-60%, sufficient plus - 61-65%, good - 66-75%, good plus - 76-80%, very good - 81-100%.
Basic literature:
• Whitt Dixie D., Salyers Abigail A., Mikrobiologia.
Różnorodność, chorobotwórczość i środowisko, PWN, Warszawa 2012.
• Graeme-Cook K., Killington R., Nicklin J., Krótkie wykłady Mikrobiologia, PWN, Warszawa 2011.
• Baj J. (red.), Mikrobiologia, PWN, Warszawa 2018
• Libudzisz Z., Kowal K., Żakowska Z. Mikrobiologia techniczna, PWN, Warszawa 2021.
Literatura uzupełniająca:
• Gospodarek E., Mikucka A., Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, Warszawa 2022.
• Libudzisz Z., Kowal K., Żakowska Z. Mikrobiologia techniczna, PWN, Warszawa 2021.
Supplementary literature:
Recommended review articles from Journal citation Report
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: