Cosmetic formulations
characterization of cosmetic formulations: solutions, micellar liquids, gels, hydrogels, emulsions (oil in water and water in oil), sticks, foams, suspensions, powders. Stability of emulsions, foams, suspensions. Optimization of emulsions, sticks, etc. The role of surface active agents, emulsifiers in stabilization of emulsion, HLB and the roles of emulsifier selection.
Preparation in practice the solution of surface active agents for cleansing purposes, modification of rheology with electrolites and high molecular weights compounds. Preparation of emulsion oil in water and water in oil. Study af stability of prepared emulsions. Stick preparation and optimization. Observation cosmetic formultions under the microscope.
Term 2022/23L:
Lecture: 1. General classification of cosmetic forms 2. The solutions of surface active agents 3. Micellar preparations 4. Thickening of solution containing surface active agents 5. Gels and hydrogels 6. Foams 7. Suspensions 8. Emulsions: preparation, characteryzation, stability 9. Emulsifiers 10. Sticks and powders Laboratory: 1. Cleansing preparations – the solution of surface active agents and the rheology modification. 2. Preparation and optimization of the emulsions (oil in water and water in oil). Assessment of the stability 3. Sticks preparation 4. Observation of cosmetic formulations under the microscope
Term 2023/24L:
Lecture: 1. General classification of cosmetic forms 2. The solutions of surface active agents 3. Micellar preparations 4. Thickening of solution containing surface active agents 5. Gels and hydrogels 6. Foams 7. Suspensions 8. Emulsions: preparation, characteryzation, stability 9. Emulsifiers 10. Sticks and powders Laboratory: 1. Cleansing preparations – the solution of surface active agents and the rheology modification. 2. Preparation and optimization of the emulsions (oil in water and water in oil). Assessment of the stability 3. Sticks preparation 4. Observation of cosmetic formulations under the microscope
Term 2024/25L:
Lecture: 1. General classification of cosmetic forms 2. The solutions of surface active agents 3. Micellar preparations 4. Thickening of solution containing surface active agents 5. Gels and hydrogels 6. Foams 7. Suspensions 8. Emulsions: preparation, characteryzation, stability 9. Emulsifiers 10. Sticks and powders Laboratory: 1. Cleansing preparations – the solution of surface active agents and the rheology modification. 2. Preparation and optimization of the emulsions (oil in water and water in oil). Assessment of the stability 3. Sticks preparation 4. Observation of cosmetic formulations under the microscope
Total student workload
1. 10hrs - lecture, 30hrs - laboratory, 15 hrs consultations, 55hrs with teacher,
2. 20hrs - individual student work,
3. 25hrs -time required forpreparation to the assessment,
4. total time of student's work - 100hrs.
Learning outcomes - knowledge
W1: Student knows the basis of physical chemistry – K_W01.
W2: Student knows the importance of the experiment as well as computer simulation in chemical processes - K_W03.
W3: Student know ingredients used in cosmetic formulations – K_W05.
W4: Student knows basic cosmetic formulations and how to obtain them – K_W13.
W5: Student knows basic rules of formulating – K_W14.
Learning outcomes - skills
U1: Student is able to use the terms in the area of general chemistry, physical chemistry and cosmetic chemistry - K_U01.
U2: Student is able to measure basic parameters in chemistry and discuss the results of experimental work- K_U03.
U3: Student is able to analyze the experiment and to do appropriate calculation - K_U03.
U4: Student can characterize cosmetic raw materials - K_U04.
U5: Student understands the structure of cosmetic component and connetcs it with cosmetic action - K_U05
U6: Student is able to prepare selected cosmetic formulatkion - K_U08.
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K1: Student is able to work with wide range of information, is able to recognize the dependence between facts, is able to conclude using logical rules - K_K01.
K2: Student understands the properties of cosmetic ingredients and their role in product quality - K_K02.
K3: Student understands the need of learning more and following the progress in cosmetic chemistry with application in the practice - K_K05.
K4: Student is able to use the sources dedicated for teaching process - K_K07.
K5: Student is able to work in group - K_K09.
K6: Student feels responsibility for safety work of anyone in the laboratory - K_K08.
K7: Student is able to manage in emergency - K_K08.
Teaching methods
Lecture with PowerPoint presentations.
Experimental work done by each student.
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- laboratory
Type of course
compulsory course
Basic knowledge about general chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and raw cosmetic materials.
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Lecture: writing exam (testor open questios – W1-W5, U1, U4, U5, K1, K3, K4.
Laboratory: assessment with mark base on experimental work and reports – W3, W4, W5, U1-U6, K2-K7.
Conventional lecture with the use of audiovisual means.
Laboratory class:
Practical classes performed individually.
Pass threshold: 50%
50-60% - 3,
61-65% - 3+,
66-75% - 4,
76-80% - 4+,
81-100% - 5
Practical placement
.1. B. Stanisz, I. Musialska, Metody badania jakości surowców i produktów kosmetycznych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, Poznań 2009.
2. K. Kacprzak, K. Gawrońska, Chemia Kosmetyczna, Ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2009.
3. W. Malinka, Zarys chemii kosmetycznej, Wolumed, Wrocław 1999.
4. Chemia kosmetyczna wybrane zagadnienia, pod red. A. Sionkowskiej, Wyd. UMK, Toruń 2019
Term 2022/23L:
1. B. Stanisz, I. Musialska, Metody badania jakości surowców i produktów kosmetycznych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, Poznań 2009. 2. K. Kacprzak, K. Gawrońska, Chemia Kosmetyczna, Ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2009. 3. W. Malinka, Zarys chemii kosmetycznej, Wolumed, Wrocław 1999. 4. Chemia kosmetyczna wybrane zagadnienia, pod red. A. Sionkowskiej, Wyd. UMK, Toruń 2019
Term 2023/24L:
1. B. Stanisz, I. Musialska, Metody badania jakości surowców i produktów kosmetycznych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, Poznań 2009. 2. K. Kacprzak, K. Gawrońska, Chemia Kosmetyczna, Ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2009. 3. W. Malinka, Zarys chemii kosmetycznej, Wolumed, Wrocław 1999. 4. Chemia kosmetyczna wybrane zagadnienia, pod red. A. Sionkowskiej, Wyd. UMK, Toruń 2019
Term 2024/25L:
1. B. Stanisz, I. Musialska, Metody badania jakości surowców i produktów kosmetycznych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, Poznań 2009. 2. K. Kacprzak, K. Gawrońska, Chemia Kosmetyczna, Ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2009. 3. W. Malinka, Zarys chemii kosmetycznej, Wolumed, Wrocław 1999. 4. Chemia kosmetyczna wybrane zagadnienia, pod red. A. Sionkowskiej, Wyd. UMK, Toruń 2019
Term 2022/23L:
Term 2023/24L:
Term 2024/25L:
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: