Fundamentals of analytical chemistry
• Lecture contents:
• Introduction to classical analytical chemistry.
• Basic laws and chemical concepts used in quantitative analysis.
• Glass and laboratory equipment used in titrimetric and gravimetric methods.
• Theoretical bases of titrimetric methods of analysis: chemical equilibrium, electrolytic dissociation, acid and base theory, protolytic reactions, buffer solutions, basic substances and standard solutions.
• Introduction to titrimetric methods.
• Titrations based on acid–base reactions: titration curves, pH indicators, evaluation and quantitative applications of acid–base titrimetry.
• Precipitation titrations and precipitation gravimetry: type of precipitates, solubility, factors affecting solubility, precipitation titration curves, selecting and evaluating the end point, quantitative applications, evaluation of precipitation.
• Titrations based on complexation reactions: formation and structures of metal–ligand complexes; conditional formation constant; factors affecting the complexes stability; complexity balance and their application in analysis; direct titration; inverse titration; substitution titration; complexometric indicators, examples of complexometric determinations.
• Titrations based on redox reactions: redox reactions; redox potential; factors affecting the redox reactions; Nernst equation; redox titration curves; redox indicators; manganometry; iodometry; brominometry; cerometry; ascorbimetry; chromianometry; redox method based on measurement of potassium iodide; examples of redox determinations.
• Statistical methods for evaluation of the obtained results.
• Laboratory contents:
• Equipments for volumetric analysis
• Determination of the ratio of volumetric flask volume to pipette volume.
• Determination of concentrations of the standard solutions – HCl, NaOH, AgNO3, EDTA, KMnO4, Na2S2O3.
• Titrimetric methods of analysis:
o Acid-base titrations: determination of HCl and CH3COOH with the NaOH standard solution and Na2CO3 with the HCl standard solution
o Precipitation titrations: determination of chlorides by Mohr method and thiocyanate by Volhard method;
o Titrations based on complexation reactions: determination of calcium ions, magnesium ions and mixtures of calcium and magnesium ions with the EDTA standard solution
o Titrations based on redox reactions: determination of oxalate ions, iron ions and calcium ions with the KMnO4 standard solution as well as copper ions and potassium dichromate with the Na2S2O3 standard solution.
Term 2021/22L:
• Lecture contents: • Introduction to classical analytical chemistry. • Basic laws and chemical concepts used in quantitative analysis. • Glass and laboratory equipment used in titrimetric and gravimetric methods. • Theoretical bases of titrimetric methods of analysis: chemical equilibrium, electrolytic dissociation, acid and base theory, protolytic reactions, buffer solutions, basic substances and standard solutions. • Introduction to titrimetric methods. • Titrations based on acid–base reactions: titration curves, pH indicators, evaluation and quantitative applications of acid–base titrimetry. • Precipitation titrations and precipitation gravimetry: type of precipitates, solubility, factors affecting solubility, precipitation titration curves, selecting and evaluating the end point, quantitative applications, evaluation of precipitation. • Titrations based on complexation reactions: formation and structures of metal–ligand complexes; conditional formation constant; factors affecting the complexes stability; complexity balance and their application in analysis; direct titration; inverse titration; substitution titration; complexometric indicators, examples of complexometric determinations. • Titrations based on redox reactions: redox reactions; redox potential; factors affecting the redox reactions; Nernst equation; redox titration curves; redox indicators; manganometry; iodometry; brominometry; cerometry; ascorbimetry; chromianometry; redox method based on measurement of potassium iodide; examples of redox determinations. • Statistical methods for evaluation of the obtained results.
• Laboratory contents: • Equipments for volumetric analysis • Determination of the ratio of volumetric flask volume to pipette volume. • Determination of concentrations of the standard solutions – HCl, NaOH, AgNO3, EDTA, KMnO4, Na2S2O3. • Titrimetric methods of analysis: o Acid-base titrations: determination of HCl and CH3COOH with the NaOH standard solution and Na2CO3 with the HCl standard solution o Precipitation titrations: determination of chlorides by Mohr method and thiocyanate by Volhard method; o Titrations based on complexation reactions: determination of calcium ions, magnesium ions and mixtures of calcium and magnesium ions with the EDTA standard solution o Titrations based on redox reactions: determination of oxalate ions, iron ions and calcium ions with the KMnO4 standard solution as well as copper ions and potassium dichromate with the Na2S2O3 standard solution.
Total student workload
Contact hours with teachers (135 hrs):
- participation in lectures - 30 hrs
- participation in laboratory - 75 hrs
- participation in calculation exercises - 15 hrs
- participation in consultations - 15 hrs
Self-study hours (90 hrs):
- preparation for laboratory - 35 hrs
- reading literature - 20 hrs
- preparation for test/ examination - 35 hrs
Altogether: 225 hrs (9 ECTS)
Learning outcomes - knowledge
K_W01 The graduate has advanced knowledge of principles of chemistry and the nomenclature.
K_W05 The graduate knows basic software packages for the data analysis and elaboration.
K_W06 The graduate knows theoretical and practical aspects of performing quantitative and qualitative analysis by means of conventional and instrumental methods as well as equipment operation rules.
Learning outcomes - skills
K_U01 The graduate is able to use the nomenclature of chemistry and concepts in general chemistry.
K_U06 The graduate is able to perform quantitative analyses using gravimetric, volumetric and instrumental methods on the basis of analytical procedures. The graduate is able to prepare an analysis-based report.
K_U16 The graduate is able to behave properly while facing a variety of emergences, such as fire or contact with chemical reagents.
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K_K01 Analytical thinking: The graduate is able to work on his/her own and effectively with large amounts of data, to perceive interrelations between phenomena and draw correct conclusions using the principles of logic.
K_K03 Conscientiousness and accuracy: The graduate strives to complete a task as effectively as possible. The graduate is sensitive to details and is systematic.
K_K05 Pursuit of development: The graduate is focused on the constant acquisition of new knowledge, skills and experience. The graduate acknowledges the need for constant self-improvement and increasing his/her professional skills. The graduate is aware of the limitations of their knowledge and understands the need for further education.
K_K08 Professionalism and ethics: The graduate knows and abides by the standards binding for chemists, including ethical standards. The graduate understands the social role of the profession. The graduate understands and recognises the importance of intellectual honesty and integrity, care of one’s health and of the natural environment in activities undertaken by themselves and by other persons.
Teaching methods
- informative lecture, multimedia presentations and demonstrations of the selected titration methods.
- experimental work, written lab reports.
Calculation exercises:
exercises are related to the content discussed during the lecture.
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
Exploratory teaching methods
- experimental
- laboratory
general chemistry
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
- written examination: 2.5 hrs
- reports from practical work
- 3 tests
Assessment criteria:
fail (< 40%)
satisfactory (40-50%)
satisfactory plus (51-60%)
good (61-70%)
good plus (71-80%)
very good (81-100%)
Fail (<50%)
satisfactory (50-55%)
satisfactory plus (56-65%)
good (66-75%)
good plus (76-85%)
very good (86-100%)
Practical placement
Basic literature:
1. E. Szłyk, M. Kurzawa, A. Szydłowska, A. Jastrzębska, Ilościowa Analiza Chemiczna. Metody wagowe i miareczkowe, UMK, 2012, Toruń:
2. Minczewski J., Marczenko Z., Chemia analityczna, Tom 2, „Chemiczne metody analizy ilościowej. PWN, Warszawa, 1999
3. Cygański A., Chemiczne metody analizy ilościowej, WNT, Warszawa, 1997
4. Skoog Douglas A., West Donald M., Holler F. James, Crouch Stanley R. Podstawy chemii analitycznej. Tom 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2006
Additional literature:
1. D.C. Harris Quantitative Chemical Analysis, VIIIth Ed. Freeman and Co. N.Y.
2. A. Hulanicki, Reakcje kwasów i zasad w chemii analitycznej, PWN, Warszawa, 1993.
Term 2021/22L:
Basic literature: 1. E. Szłyk, M. Kurzawa, A. Szydłowska, A. Jastrzębska, Ilościowa Analiza Chemiczna. Metody wagowe i miareczkowe, UMK, 2012, Toruń: 2. Minczewski J., Marczenko Z., Chemia analityczna, Tom 2, „Chemiczne metody analizy ilościowej. PWN, Warszawa, 1999 3. Cygański A., Chemiczne metody analizy ilościowej, WNT, Warszawa, 1997 4. Skoog Douglas A., West Donald M., Holler F. James, Crouch Stanley R. Podstawy chemii analitycznej. Tom 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2006
Additional literature: 1. D.C. Harris Quantitative Chemical Analysis, VIIIth Ed. Freeman and Co. N.Y. 2. A. Hulanicki, Reakcje kwasów i zasad w chemii analitycznej, PWN, Warszawa, 1993.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: