Medical devices using natural substances
The lecture includes familiarization with the definition of medical devices, pointing out the differences between devices and other types of products. Students will learn about the types and classes of medical devices, as well as the standards and directives related to the marketing of medical devices.
Class Schedule:
1). Introduction to basic methods of substance isolation and purification.
2). Preparation of gel for ECG electrodes.
3). Preparation of hydrogel wound dressing.
4). Preparation of transdermal wound dressing with natural active substances.
5). Preparation of the syrup on the right blade.
6). Preparation of lipstick
7). Rehab and credit work.
Term 2023/24L:
Lecture: The lecture includes familiarization with the definition of medical devices, pointing out the differences between devices and other types of products. Students will learn about the types and classes of medical devices, as well as the standards and directives related to the marketing of medical devices.
Laboratory: Class Schedule: 1). 1). Introduction to basic methods of substance isolation and purification. 2). Preparation of gel for ECG electrodes. 3). Preparation of hydrogel wound dressing. 4). Preparation of transdermal wound dressing with natural active substances. 5). Preparation of the syrup on the right blade. 6). Preparation of lipstick 7). Rehab and credit work.
Term 2024/25L:
Lecture: The lecture includes familiarization with the definition of medical devices, pointing out the differences between devices and other types of products. Students will learn about the types and classes of medical devices, as well as the standards and directives related to the marketing of medical devices.
Laboratory: Class Schedule: 1). Introduction to basic methods of substance isolation and purification. 2). Preparation of gel for ECG electrodes. 3). Preparation of hydrogel wound dressing. 4). Preparation of transdermal wound dressing with natural active substances. 5). Preparation of the syrup on the right blade. 6). Preparation of lipstick 7). Rehab and credit work.
Total student workload
1. 10h lecture, 35h lab, 8h consultations, i.e. 53 contact hours,
2. 35h individual work,
3. 37h the time required for preparation in the assessment process,
4. the total student workload is 125h
125h:25h/ECTS=5 ECTS
Learning outcomes - knowledge
W1: The graduate has knowledge of the main branches of chemistry, uses appropriate terminology and nomenclature - K_W01.
W2: The graduate knows theoretical and practical aspects of methods, techniques and research tools used in chemical and biological analyses – K_W04.
W3: The graduate knows basic methods of synthesis, isolation and analysis of chemical compounds, including biologically active ones - K_W05.
W4: The graduate knows relations between structure and activity of chemical compounds, including biologically active compounds - K_W06.
W5: The graduate has knowledge of regulations and principles of safe work in laboratory, and legal regulations concerning toxic substances and their storage and labeling - K_W09.
W6: The graduate has the knowledge to understand basic problems related to the topics of study - K-W11.
Learning outcomes - skills
U1: The graduate is able to analyze and solve chemical and biological problems based on knowledge gained -K_U01
U2: The graduate is able to plan an experiment and use apparatus for realization of a specified research task -K_004
U3: The graduate is able to use basic analytical methods used in chemical and biomedical sciences and is able to elaborate experimental results - K_U05.
U4: The graduate is able to perform a synthesis and analysis of chemical compounds, including biologically active - K_U06.
U5: The graduate is able to determine the structure and functions of macromolecular compounds occurring in living organisms - K_U07.
U6: The graduate is able to expand the knowledge of selected specialization independently and in group - K_U09.
U7: The graduate is able to understand and assess the threats to human health and life, and ethical conditions of chosen specialization - K_U010
Learning outcomes - social competencies
K1: The graduate is able to understand the need for continuous improvement and raising of professional competence - K_K01.
K2: The graduate is able to organize work, aims at realization of entrusted tasks - K_K02.
K3: The graduate is able to appropriately determine priorities in order to plan and perform a given task - K_K03.
K4: The graduate is able to follow rules and norms, takes care of health and natural environment - K_K05.
K5: The graduate is able to understand ethical and social aspects of practical use of knowledge and skills - K_K06.
Teaching methods
Conventional lecture using multimedia techniques.
Independent laboratory work, experiment method
Expository teaching methods
- informative (conventional) lecture
- participatory lecture
- discussion
Exploratory teaching methods
- experimental
- observation
- laboratory
Type of course
elective course
Knowledge of the basics of elementary chemistry and organic chemistry
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Lecture: credit on the basis of a presentation - W1-W3, U1-U6.
Laboratory: credit on the basis of laboratory exercises and studies, final test - W1-W3, U1-U6, continuous assessment of the student during classes - U1-U6, K1-K7.
Practical placement
1. Bogumił Przeździak, Krzysztof Gieremek, Marek Woźniewski, Szymon Janicki. Wyroby Medyczne. Zaopatrzenie Indywidualne. PZWL
2. Stefan Poździoch. USTAWA O WYROBACH MEDYCZNYCH. KOMENTARZ. Wolters Kluwer Polska SA.
3.Paulina Pszczółkowska Tadeusz Sikora. Jakość wyrobu medycznego jako deteminanta jego wyboru. Difin 2020.
Term 2023/24L:
1. Bogumił Przeździak, Krzysztof Gieremek, Marek Woźniewski, Szymon Janicki. Wyroby Medyczne. Zaopatrzenie Indywidualne. PZWL 2. Stefan Poździoch. USTAWA O WYROBACH MEDYCZNYCH. KOMENTARZ. Wolters Kluwer Polska SA. 3. Paulina Pszczółkowska Tadeusz Sikora. Jakość wyrobu medycznego jako deteminanta jego wyboru. Difin 2020.
Term 2024/25L:
1. Bogumił Przeździak, Krzysztof Gieremek, Marek Woźniewski, Szymon Janicki. Wyroby Medyczne. Zaopatrzenie Indywidualne. PZWL 2. Stefan Poździoch. USTAWA O WYROBACH MEDYCZNYCH. KOMENTARZ. Wolters Kluwer Polska SA. 3. Paulina Pszczółkowska Tadeusz Sikora. Jakość wyrobu medycznego jako deteminanta jego wyboru. Difin 2020.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: