General chemistry 0600-S1-CM-PC
Chemistry as a science. Basic definitions, chemical nomenclature. Stoichiometry - calculations using chemical equations. Atomistic theory of the structure of matter. Atoms, elementary particles, molecules, ions. Atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions. Bohr model. Quantum theory of the structure of the atom. Quantum numbers. Orbital atomic. Periodic table of elements. Electronegativity, ionization energy, dimensions of atoms and ions. Electron and quantum theories of chemical bonding. Types of chemical bonds. Molecular orbitals in simple molecules. Hybridization of atomic orbitals. The structure of the selected molecules. Intermolecular interactions.Hydrogen bond. Basic properties of gases, liquids and solids. Phase transformations and phase graphs. Perfect gas and real gas - gas laws. Water as the most common solvent. Types of crystals and their properties. Chemical reactions and basics of chemical kinetics. Reaction rate, reaction rate constant, reaction order, activation energy, active complex, catalysis, active collision theory. Chemical equilibrium - a constant of equilibrium. The rule of defiance. Chemical equilibrium in electrolyte solutions.
Dissociation of electrolytes. Definition of acid and base. Strong and weak acids and bases. Buffers. Sludge loss. The product of solubility and molar solubility. Redox reactions. Definitions of oxidation state, oxidizer and reducer. Balancing the equations of the redox reaction. Voltage series of metals. Corrosion. Electrodes and electrochemical cells. Nernst equation. Standard hydrogen electrode, gas electrodes. Fuel cells. Elements of thermodynamics, enthalpy, entropy, heat of reaction. Hess's Law.
Laboratory program content:
1. Safety of work in the chemical laboratory.
2. Basic laboratory equipment.
3. Dissolution, digestion and crystallization.
4. The concept of pH.
5. Approximate and accurate pH measurement.
6. Definitions of acids and bases.
7. Electrolytic dissociation.
8. Chemical equilibrium in electrolyte solutions.
9. Strong and weak acids and bases.
10 Preparation and use of buffer mixtures.
11. Properties and use of pH indicators.
12. Structure, naming and properties of complex compounds.
13. Precipitation of sediments.
14. Product of solubility and solubility of inorganic compounds.
15. The concept of oxidation state, oxidizer and reducer.
16. Balancing of redox reaction equations.
17. Voltage series of metals.
18. Influence of pH on the course of the redox reaction.
19. Oxidation of organic compounds.
20. Classical division of cations and anions into analytical groups.
21. Characteristic and group reactions of selected anions and cations.
Curriculum content of the exercises:
Curriculum content of the exercises:
1. Stoichiometric calculations.
2. Concentrations of solutions (percentage and molar).
3. pH of acid and base solutions.
4. Constants and degree of dissociation.
5. Buffer mixtures.
6. Solubility and product of solubility.
7. Oxidation-reducing reactions.
8. Balancing the redox equations
Term 2021/22Z:
None |
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Course coordinators
Term 2021/22Z: | Term 2022/23Z: | Term 2023/24Z: | Term 2024/25Z: |
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
lecture - K_W01, K_W08, K_U01, K_K01, K_K02, K_K05, K_K06, K_K08
laboratory - K_W01, K_U03, K_U05, K_U08, K_K01, K_K02, K_K03, K_K05, K_K06, K_K08, exercise K_K09 - K_W01, K_U01, K_U03, K_K02, K_K03, K_K05, K_K06, K_K09
Judging criteria:
Block pass with the following weights:
- 60% two-hour written exam covering the content discussed in the lecture
- 25 % assessment from the laboratory
- 15 % assessment from exercises
Required threshold for assessment:
- sufficient: 50 -60 %
- sufficient plus: 61 – 65 %
- good: 66 – 75%
- good plus: 76 – 80%
- very good: 81-100%
Credit for the assessment based on:
- test results (40 %)
- the results of self-conducted qualitative analyses (50 %)
- assessment of the correctness of keeping a laboratory diary (5 %)
- the degree of compliance with the BPH rules and order regulations (5%)
Required threshold for assessment:
- sufficient: 50 -60 %
- sufficient plus: 61 – 65 %
- good: 66 – 75%
- good plus: 76 – 80%
- very good: 81-100%
Credit for assessment based on the results of mid-term control tests.
Required threshold for assessment:
- sufficient: 50 -60 %
- sufficient plus: 61 – 65 %
- good: 66 – 75%
- good plus: 76 – 80%
- very good: 81-100%
1. H. Kowalczyk-Dembinska, J. Łukaszewicz, Chemia ogólna i jakosciowa analiza chemiczna. Cwiczenia laboratoryjne – czesc II, 2008, UMK, Torun
2. H. Kowalczyk-Dembinska, J. Łukaszewicz, Chemia ogólna i jakosciowa analiza chemiczna. Cwiczenia laboratoryjne – czesc I, 2008, UMK, Torun
3. H. Kowalczyk-Dembinska, Cwiczenia rachunkowe z podstaw chemii, Wydawnictwo UMK,Torun
4. L. Jones, P. Atkins, Chemia ogólna Czasteczki,materia,reakcje, Warszawa
5. L. Pajdowski, Chemia ogólna, PWN, Warszawa
6. A. Bielanski, Chemia ogólna i nieorganiczna, PWN, Warszawa
7. J. D. Lee, Zwiezła chemia nieorganiczna, PWN, Warszawa
8. L. Pauling, P. Pauling, Chemia, PWN, Warszawa
9. Z. Galus, Cwiczenia rachunkowe z chemii analitycznej, PWN, Warszawa
10. Minczewski J., Marczenko Z., Chemia analityczna t. I, Podstawy teoretyczne i analiza jakosciowa, PWN, Warszawa
11. Minczewski J., Marczenko Z., Chemia analityczna t. II, Analiza ilosciowa, PWN, Warszawa
12. Sliwa A., Obliczenia chemiczne, PWN, Poznan
13. M. J. Sienko, R. A. Plane, "Chemia, podstawy i zastosowania", WNT, Warszawa
14. Szmal Z.S., Lipiec T., Chemia analityczna z elementami analizy instrumentalnej, PZWL, Warszawa
15. Aleksiejew W., Chemia analityczna, PWN, Warszawa
16. Danilczuk E., Karpinski K., Łodzinska A., Wojtczak J., Analiza jakosciowa cz.1, Aniony, UMK, Torun
17. Danilczuk E., Karpinski K., Łodzinska A., Wojtczak J., Analiza jakosciowa cz. 2, Kationy, UMK, Torun
Term 2021/22Z:
None |
Additional information
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