Diet and nourishment rated by chemist 0600-OG-DŻOCh
The subject of the lecture allows you to acquire basic knowledge in the field of dietetics. The lecture will discuss the energetic and nutritional role of food, based on the proteins, carbohydrates and fats present in it. The lecture will discuss the role of vitamins and trace elements in nutrition. The lecture will be a source of information about the body's need for water. Advice on introducing the appropriate fats into your diet will be provided, as well as information on how to reduce the sugar supply in your daily diet.
The principles of healthy eating will be presented, for people of different ages and showing varied physical activity. He will emphasize the important role (apart from diet) - of physical activity in the prevention of many diseases.
Currently, there is a growing interest in a healthy lifestyle, a rational diet, reducing excess weight and keeping it at a proper level for two reasons. One is the fashion for 'being slim', the other - the growing awareness of the importance of the influence of diet in the prevention of civilization diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity.
The content of the lecture will introduce examples of diets and will allow you to outline a reasonable weight reduction program (if necessary).
For a modern man who consciously considers a healthy diet, it will be important to ensure the right quality of food. The classes will suggest how to choose valuable food products, based on the information on the packaging, among others.
Due to the ever-new modifications of food products, the following will be discussed: functional food and various types of food additives, the introduction of which may have a positive or negative impact on the modified food.
Selected food toxins and ways to eliminate them will be presented.
Improper nutrition causes a number of metabolic disorders. Laboratory tests are used to evaluate them, which, in the basic scope, will also be discussed during the lecture.
Total student workload
Learning outcomes - knowledge
Learning outcomes - skills
Learning outcomes - social competencies
Teaching methods
Expository teaching methods
Online teaching methods
- exchange and discussion methods
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2024/25L: | Term 2023/24L: | Term 2022/23L: | Term 2021/22L: |
Assessment criteria
9) Assessment methods:
- the presence of 80% of meetings - grade satisfactory
- written exam (open and test questions) - grade higher than satisfactory
Assessment criteria:
Lecture: pass with a satisfactory grade on the basis of attendance and a written exam (open and test questions) with a grade, respectively for the number of points obtained (%):
satisfactory plus - points (61 - 66%)
good - points (66 -75%)
good plus - points (75 - 81%)
very good - points (81 - 100%)
Practical placement
Not applicable
1. Dietetyka. Żywność i żywienie w prewencji i leczeniu. red. M. Jarosz, IŻŻ 2017.
2. Dietetyka. Żywienie zdrowego i chorego człowieka. H. Ciborowska, A. Rudnicka, PZWL 2019.
3. Żywienie człowieka. Podstawy nauki o żywieniu. Red. J. Gawęcki, PWN 2012.
4. Fizjologia Żywienia. H. Krauss, PZWL 2019.
5. Chemia Żywności, red. E. Sikorski, WNT 2012.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: